Quote from the great writer and great humanist. Mouloud Feraoun
Quote from the great writer and great humanist. Mouloud Feraoun 1----278
"Those who suffered, those who died could say things and things. I timidly wanted to say a little in their way. And what I say is with all my heart with what I can to have discernment and conscience."
“The poor always end up understanding that poverty is not a vice. It is not a vice but a state that must be fulfilled, just like any other. He has his rules that must be accepted and his laws that must be obeyed in order not to be a bad poor person. » (Earth and blood)
“There is surely a lot of shame in being happy, not at the sight of certain miseries but when happiness seems to taunt. The Kabyles do not have this fault. Out of modesty the rich hide in order to eat well and the poor in order to be hungry at ease. » (earth and blood)
“We Kabyles can well imagine the insignificant impression that the sight of our poor villages leaves on the most complacent visitor. Tizi its houses cling one behind the other on the top of a ridge, two hundred meters long, a main street which is only a section of tribal path connecting several villages, leading to the road passable and therefore to cities. " (The son of the poor)
Quote from the great writer and great humanist. Mouloud Feraoun 13-13
“The villagers say bad things about it, they do it a little out of spite. They are angry with him for being so ugly, and, no doubt, he understands them since in their eyes he becomes uglier when they return from far away, after a long absence, their heads still stuffed with beautiful images [...] ] An immutable spectator of the continual comings and goings of its children who emigrate, our village mocks impatient pretensions and tires long hopes, it remains equal to itself. » (Days of Kabylie)
“Our ancestors, it seems, grouped together out of necessity. We fear isolation like death. “We are neighbors for paradise and not for annoyance. » This is the nicest of our proverbs. Marriages between karoubas have been celebrated for a long time, so that now the history of the village is like that of a person. » (Days of Kabylie)
“We still have many poems that sing of common heroes. Heroes as cunning as Ulysses, as proud as Tartarin, as thin as Don Quixote. The district below, for example, comes from Mezzouz. Mezzouz had five male children who gave their names to each of the five families of the karouba. This is why the karouba includes the Aït Rabah, the Aït Slimane, the Aït Moussa, the Aït Larbi, the Aït Kaci. In addition to this common or identical origin, we are in the same condition because all the Kabyles of the mountain live uniformly in the same way. " (The son of the poor)
“each karouba forms its own mythology in which it reserves the best role for its own. The occasional narrator will always affirm the courage, virtue, strength or diplomacy of his ancestors. The generations that follow one another conscientiously pass on (with their own input) the imaginary stories of their past glory. The end result is that everyone is proud of their name. But if we decided to want to write the story of Ighil-Nezman, there would be as many versions as there are families. » (Earth and blood)
Quote from the great writer and great humanist. Mouloud Feraoun 13-14
Testimony of Mouloud Mammeri: "On March 15, 1962, in the morning, a small band of assassins presented themselves at the place where, with other men of good will, he was working to emancipate young minds; they were lined up against the wall and... we cut off Fouroulou's voice forever. Forever his assassins believed him, but history has shown that they were wrong, because of them, nothing remains... nothing but the. bad memory of a stupid and murderous gesture, but Mouloud Feraoun's voice continues to live among us.

Source: websites