“Taroa Netneri” reveals the date of its first concert in Murcia, Spain
 “Taroa Netneri” reveals the date of its first concert in Murcia, Spain 13-442
The “Taroa Netneri” band announced that it will perform its first concert in the Spanish city of Murcia as part of the “Tres Culture” festival on May 24th.
This concert comes as the launch of the band’s upcoming summer tour on the occasion of the release of the new album titled “Akal” or “The Earth.”
It was reported that the announced concert dates are: May 24 at the Tres Culture Festival in Murcia, Spain, June 7 at the Jazablanca Festival in Casablanca, Morocco, June 20, Feast of Music at the French Institute in Oujda, Morocco, June 22, Poporina 24 Festival in Tyrol, Spain. July 12, Harp Festival in Cordoba, Spain
She indicated that the rest of the concerts will be announced soon.
 “Taroa Netneri” reveals the date of its first concert in Murcia, Spain 13--103
The goal of the “Taroa Nteniri” band is to introduce Moroccan cultural heritage and honor Morocco’s name in the world.

Source : websites