The process of obliterating the cultural and linguistic identity of peoples
The process of obliterating the cultural and linguistic identity of peoples 1-755
The process of obliterating the cultural and linguistic identity of peoples is one of the most dangerous types of cultural and intellectual colonialism. The Czech poet and thinker I cited summarizes this process in precise steps that begin with erasing the collective memory of peoples and destroying the sources of their knowledge and history. This memory is then replaced by a new identity and a different culture, which ultimately leads the people to forget their original identity.
In North Africa, the Amazigh suffer from this problem, where everything that is authentic and local is often attributed to Arab or other culture even though many of these elements are part of the ancient Amazigh heritage. This process is not just a falsification of facts, but rather a systematic attempt to reshape the cultural identity of the region in accordance with the vision of the colonizers or the controlling powers located under cross-border ideologies.
The process of obliterating the cultural and linguistic identity of peoples 102613
Countering this type of cultural alienation requires great efforts to preserve the Amazigh language and cultural heritage and teach future generations about their true history. It also requires formal recognition and institutional support for this multiple and diverse North African identity.
Amazighs should be proud of their culture and strive to preserve and spread it. The world today has become more accepting of cultural pluralism, and this enhances the chances of preserving this rich and distinctive identity...

Source: websites