Sinai Liberation Day
Sinai Liberation Day 14-134
The world in postage stamps
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There are events in history that stand out as turning points that change the course of the lives of countries. The liberation of Sinai is one of these events in Egypt's modern history. Egyptians are very proud of this great achievement that required courage, sacrifice and perseverance. It is celebrated every year as Sinai Liberation Day.
Israeli occupation in 1967
Due to its strategic importance and a lot of history, the Sinai Peninsula has been an important part of Middle Eastern affairs for a long time. After the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel seized the Sinai Peninsula, forced thousands of Egyptians to leave their homes, and demanded control of the region. But the years that followed were filled with fighting and tension, leading to the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
The October War and the liberation of part of Sinai
During this war, Egypt and Syria attacked the Israeli occupation forces in the Sinai Peninsula and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Sinai Liberation Day 14-135
A postage stamp issued in 1986 on the fourth anniversary of Sinai Liberation Day
Egypt attacked Israeli forces across the Suez Canal on October 6, 1973, destroying its fortifications along the eastern bank of the Suez Canal called the Bar Lev Line. Hence the Yom Kippur War began. The war continued for weeks and killed many people on both sides, but Egypt's determination to regain Sinai remained strong.
Negotiation and peace agreement
The ceasefire agreement was reached after much diplomatic work by the United States and the Soviet Union. This made it possible to start peace talks. Egypt and Israel signed the famous Camp David Accords in 1979.
These agreements define the rules for peace in the region. As part of the deal, Israel decided to withdraw its forces from the Sinai Peninsula. In addition, Egypt regained full control of the region, ending years of occupation. Israeli forces were removed from Sinai in stages, with the last forces departing in April 1982. This completed the process of returning the land to Egyptian control.
Sinai Liberation Day 14-134
Symbolism of Sinai Liberation Day
The liberation of Sinai was not just a military success; It was also a diplomatic and political victory. This showed that Egypt cares about peace and security in the region. Today, Sinai Liberation Day, is a reminder of the strength and determination of Egypt to liberate its land and protect its sovereignty.
Egyptians gather every year on April 25 to remember this important event. Official celebrations are held throughout the country to honor the people who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of Sinai. There are speeches, military marches and cultural events. The Egyptian flag flies proudly, indicating that the country is strong and united.
The Egyptian Post issued the above postage stamp in 1986 on the fourth anniversary of Sinai Liberation Day.
Catalog reference: Yvert & Tellier 1307

Source: websites