This is what a supernova explosion near Earth would have looked like
This is what a supernova explosion near Earth would have looked like  1--338
The supernova, the supernova, or the greatest renewal (in English: Supernova), and astronomers called it by several names. They called it the great meteorite, the great planet, the relic planet, and the great star.
Astronomers define a supernova, or supernova, as a star that suddenly shines enormously, increasing its radiation hundreds of times. This happens when the star is exposed to an explosion in its entire mass, emitting intense light, and its stellar matter is thrown away. Such explosions occur in stars that have come a long way in their development, reducing their stellar matter to a large degree, with the temperature of their core rising to about 600 million degrees Celsius, which It makes it under my force: centripetal gravity and outward pressing force.

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