The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities
The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities 14---29
The terrifying bird that has baffled scientists and humans for hundreds of years and prompted them to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities and the miracle of God Almighty in His creation, is as terrifying and frightening as a monster, despite its silence, which has baffled the entire world.
Owls are considered one of the most famous types of birds in the world, as there are approximately more than 200 species on various continents, with the exception of only the southern continent. Owls usually vary in size, starting from 5 inches and eventually reaching approximately 3 feet, and owls are a source of pessimism. Some individuals have it due to some deeply-rooted mental beliefs. However, it may be very popular with others. In this article, you will find information about the owl bird that will greatly benefit you in knowing it to decide. Will you like it or be pessimistic about it?
If you want to know more exciting facts about the owl and God’s miracle in its creation, all you have to do is continue reading this article until the end, and you will then get enough of the information you want.
The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities 14--28
Miracle flying owl
The owl bird has a number of amazing properties that enable it to catch prey in a short record time. It has strong night vision and also has sharp claws and beaks that help it catch the prey well.
This bird relies heavily on insects, reptiles, and some small animals such as rodents for its food.
What is astonishing and astonishing here are the facts and characteristics that have given this small creature so mysterious the following:
1- No creature can hear it when it is hunting prey
The owl has three types of feathers that work in a very strange way. The first are the main feathers, which are feathers with edges that resemble the edges of a saw. On the edges of the wing there are also curvatures that resemble the curvatures of a saw. These curvatures cause the small vortices and turbines in the air to reduce, thus reducing noise. Then the covering feathers, which are located at the top of the wing and are distinguished It is soft and works to reduce the collision between individual feathers, which also reduces sound. Finally, the soft feathers on the owl’s leg and body help absorb sound and reduce friction with the air during flight. Therefore, it is impossible to hear the sound of flapping wings and it is called the terrifying silent killer.
The owl's wings are wide compared to its size, which allows it to fly slowly and silently It can approach its prey without anyone feeling it or hearing it.
The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities 14--73
owl bird
Owls also have a different skeleton than other birds, which helps distribute pressure evenly on the wing, which reduces air turbulence and thus noise. At the base of the feathers there are openings that allow air to escape effectively during flight, which reduces atmospheric pressure and thus noise.
2- The owl can swallow its prey whole at once
The owl is actually able to swallow its prey once, as it depends in the hunting process on catching the prey and then completely crushing it to death and then swallowing it completely. Then comes the role of the digestive system, which works to break down the body of the prey to be digested while the parts remain difficult to digest, such as fur or... The bones are as they are until the owl gets rid of them.
3- Owls can move their heads in different directions
Although the owl's eyes are attached to its skull and it cannot move them, God Almighty compensated it with a very unique advantage over the rest of the creatures, which is that the owl can move its head in various directions and at an angle of approximately 270 degrees. There are some rumors that explain the possibility of the owl moving its head at an angle of 360 degrees. degree, but this is not true at all. Owls are able to move their heads at an angle of 135 degrees in either direction, which gives them the ability to move their heads completely at an angle of 270 degrees. To explain this strange matter, scientists explained that owls have blood vessels and bony adaptations that enable them to move. Move the head without causing any harm to it.
4- The difference in owl ears
When you look at the owl's ears, you will find that they are asymmetrical, one is slightly higher and one is lower. This is not a defect, but rather a strange feature. Sometimes it relies on hearing only to determine the location of its prey. This difference in its ears helps it determine the direction and height from which the prey’s sound comes with great accuracy.
The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities 14-33
5- Some types of owls can live in cactus plants
The dwarf owl, which is considered one of the smallest types of owl found in Mexico and the United States, is able to live in unexpected places. It can sometimes make its own home in a sagorua cactus. It may also make a small house for itself in some of the dens of other animals. The dwarf owl can It manages its affairs with the least things, so it can also live in some trees.
6- Owls have large, prominent eyes and a flat face covered with feathers
The owl has a flat face that is densely covered with feathers, making it appear to be stained with adjacent spots.
Owls also have excellent hearing due to more different sounds being directed to their ear area.
7- While owls also have large eyes that reveal their constant exposure to strong sunlight for long periods of time
Owls generally have good night vision due to the presence of some tissues in the back area of the eye, known as bright tissues, which act as a reflector or mirror.
The miracle bird that prompted scientists to spend billions to study its terrifying abilities 14----19
8- Owls have deadly claws that help in strong and tight grip
Owls have deadly claws that are capable of ending the life of their prey in just a few seconds. It has been scientifically proven that the grip of owls is ten times greater than that of humans. The strong structure of the owls’ bones helps give them extreme strength when confronting their prey.
9- Owls cannot be found easily
Owls usually sleep in tall trees in their surrounding environment, but at the same time they are difficult to find easily. Why?
God Almighty has endowed the owl with a number of amazing characteristics that enable it to protect itself from any external dangers, including its color and external appearance, which enable it to blend in with the surrounding nature, as well as granting it the powerful ability to reduce or enlarge its size according to the surrounding environmental conditions.
10- Owls feed on each other in certain circumstances
In natural conditions, owls feed on various other prey, such as rodents, insects, and small reptiles. There are also types of owls that feed on some larger prey, such as deer and eagle owls, but does it even reach the point of eating each other?
Yes, there are some species of owls, such as the great horned owl, that sometimes feed on other owls, which causes the numbers of owls to continue to decrease.
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11- Owls have the talent of swimming
Some types of owls are able to swim well in the water, and experts have attributed this strange talent to the fact that water is the only refuge they have to protect themselves from potential dangers.
One of the strange and interesting things about owls is that they can only take off from dry land.
In the past, owls were considered evidence of victory in battles!
The small owl, especially in ancient Greece, symbolized science and knowledge. It also symbolized the possibility of achieving great victories in all different wars. The owl was often considered a protector of armies, and even soldiers would see an owl flying in the sky during a battle. They considered it as conclusive evidence of victory in this battle.
Owls can see better in the dark than during the day
Owls actually have great night vision, unlike their vision during the day. Scientists explained that because the eyes of owls contain some rods or detection devices in black and white, which is greater than the color ratio, which ultimately helps in good vision at night. .

Owls are considered an endangered animal
The owl bird is classified as one of the most important animals threatened with extinction, as researchers have found that there is a high percentage, estimated at approximately one-third of its percentage, in severe danger and will actually reach the point of complete extinction if it is not caught or any of the rapid measures in this regard are taken immediately.
Owls have three main eyelids
God Almighty created the owl and gave it three main eyelids, and each eyelid has a specific function for which it is responsible. There is one eyelid responsible for the sleeping process, and there is another eyelid responsible for blinking, while the last eyelid has the most important function, which is cleaning the eye and maintaining its health.

Source: websites