The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh 1-768
In the Epic of Gilgamesh from Mesopotamia, we find deep implications and clear visions of a future prophecy that accurately describes what happened in the past and is still happening, and we see this clearly in Enkidu’s speech addressed to the prostitute Shamkhat, when he said to her:
Come, O prostitute, so that I may estimate your fate. Great kings and princes will love you, and no one will strike his thigh in disdain for you. For your sake, the old man will shake his beard, and for your sake the young men will loosen their belts. They will offer you gold, agate, and lapis lazuli. The priest will let you enter the presence of the gods, and for your sake the wife will be abandoned, even if she is a mother. Seven.
In fact, everything that Enkidu said to the prostitute has been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled since ancient times and to this day!

Source:The epic of Gilgamesh/lisa Brightman/babylon the gate of gods_Mesopotamia