The most important treasures of the world's museums
The most important treasures of the world's museums 1--1541
The uniqueness, beauty and precision of sculpture from a material with which no one throughout the ages has been able to create sculptures with such precision and ingenuity, even when they tried, they were only small pieces and were not executed even with the same precision and creativity.
Statue of King Khafre, owner of the second pyramid of Giza
♡Made of: Very hard green diorite.
♡Height: 168 cm.
♡Found in: The Valley Temple of King Khafre in Giza.
♡The statue is preserved in: The Egyptian Museum.
•The king appears sitting on the throne, and behind him the god Horus appears in the form of a falcon to protect the king.
One of the artistic miracles in the implementation of the statue of Khafre is that the falcon Horus can only be seen from the side, while from the front side of the statue you can only see the face of the king.
•The sides of his throne were decorated with a drawing of Sama Tawi, a symbol of the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt, indicating his rule over all the countries.
•It reveals his perfect upper body and muscles. The bodies of two stylized lions form the throne on which Khafre sits, creating a sturdy base.

Source: websites