Magnificence has a title
Magnificence has a title 1-771
Its title is the land of Kemet and has symbols and is from the land of the sun and the Nile
From the land of civilization and knowledge came splendor, power...and symbolism
This ceremonial shield of Tutankhamun is one of the magnificent pieces in the Egyptian Museum
Tut, in the form of the Sphinx, represents the protector of Egypt's borders, wearing a double crown
Above his head is Horus, the sacred falcon holding the disk of the sun, the god of power and authority among the Kemet people
The wonderful thing is Tut, which is in the form of a lion crushing under his feet...his enemies from the people of the south, the source of evil for Egypt.
The South has always brought betrayal and destruction
Enough of the southern claims about the remains of ancient Kush, their claim that they are the origin of Egyptian civilization
They do not have a valuable civilization, but they have always been the source of evil and betrayal against me
The great kingdom of Kemet
The piece of art is amazingly beautiful and tells the story of a civilization that has never been forgotten and the sun has never set
It is the story of the Egyptian civilization, the civilization that conquered time

Source: websites