Nasa surprised a reversal of the magnetic field that surrounds a monstrous black hole

[IN VIDEO] The incredible reversal of the magnetic field of a supermassive black hole 1ES 1927 +654. In this galaxy located no less than 236 million light-years away, NASA astronomers have surprised an astonishing activity. An explosion of visible light, first. Increased ultraviolet emissions. And disappearing high-energy X-ray emissions. In question, according to them, an inversion of the magnetic field which surrounds the supermassive black hole nested in the heart of this galaxy. :copyright: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
A galaxy whose luminosity suddenly begins to change inevitably catches the eye of researchers. A veritable explosion of visible light. And even ultraviolet. Then a mysterious disappearance of the emissions of certain X-rays. Before a return to normal. Enough to tie knots in the brains of researchers. But astronomers are now offering an explanation. The responsible would be to look for the side of the supermassive black hole in the center of this galaxy and its magnetic field.
Several times in history, the Earth's magnetic field has reversed. The last time was around 780,000 years ago. The Sun 's magnetic field reverses much more regularly. Every 11 years. But what NASA researchers believe they have observed this time is of a completely different dimension. Neither more nor less than the reversal of the magnetic field that surrounds a supermassive black hole. All some 236 million light-years from our Solar System .
The alert was raised in March 2018, when the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae reported that the galaxy named 1ES 1927+654 appeared nearly 100 times brighter than it should. in the realm of the visible. Astronomers then set out to find earlier data that would help date the change in brightness . They went back to the end of 2017.
The researchers then turned the Swift space telescope towards this strange galaxy. In May 2018, he reported that the ultraviolet (UV) emission of 1ES 1927+654 had increased twelvefold. But that she was shrinking. A few weeks later, in June, the higher energy X-ray emission simply disappeared.
Nasa surprised a reversal of the magnetic field that surrounds a monstrous black hole 1233
For supermassive black holes as for the Sun or the Earth
Astronomers first thought they had caught a star being eaten by the supermassive black hole that nests at the heart of 1ES 1927+654. Let us remember that when matter falls towards a black hole which sometimes weighs billions - here, a priori, about twenty million - times the mass of our Sun, it begins by accumulating in an accretion disk. . By swirling inwards, it then emits lightvisible, UV and low energy X-rays. Closer to the black hole, the extremely hot material forming the corona emits higher energy X-rays. All with an intensity that depends on the amount of matter that falls on the supermassive black hole. The problem is that the phenomenon should have faded much more quickly than what the researchers observed on this galaxy.
And the fact that the X-rays momentarily disappeared completely put them on a completely different track. That of a magnetic field reversal. What astronomers do indeed believe is that the magnetic field of a supermassive black hole creates and maintains its corona. Thus any change in this field would result in observable changes in high-energy X - ray emissions .

A Black Hole's Magnetic Reversal

According to the model that the researchers have developed, in the case of a magnetic field inversion, said magnetic field would begin to weaken at the periphery of the accretion disk, leading to heating and therefore an increase in emissions in the visible and in the the UVs. As the reversal progressed, the magnetic field would eventually weaken so much that it could no longer sustain the corona. The high energy X emissions would disappear. Then when the reverse field would begin to regain strength, these emissions would resume. This is what astronomers observed in October 2018. And by the summer of 2021, the galaxy had completely returned to its previous state.[ACTU]-98397[La-Nasa-a-surpris-une-inversion-du-champ-magnetique-qui-entoure-un-trou-noir-monstrueux]