How do excellent students study? Here are the main mechanisms that explain this
How do excellent students study? Here are the main mechanisms that explain this 12108 
Some may think that the superior student descends from his mother's womb while he is superior and diligent and has very thick eyeglasses. Without knowing that the answer to the question “How do excellent students study?” And what are their mechanisms for doing so? Much deeper than shortening it in that, especially since it contains a deliberate accumulation of certain patterns and mechanisms, which can very help in obtaining grades and moving up the educational ladder step by step.
It should also be noted that such mechanisms differ from each student to another. For example, some are comfortable studying in open areas, while others are more secure in closed spaces. Some are very annoyed by the noise of street noises or family talk, while others are more comfortable studying when they may be around!
There is no single pattern that we can cut, copy, paste and coordinate all cases according to. Rather, it is very different and complex. And if you want to be on the top of the list of honors within the school, and if you aspire to know the magic mixture of those diligent people who achieve the highest grades and the highest seats in universities and perhaps in social life as well, then this article is directed to you, and it contains the most prominent mechanisms that help in achieving this goal.
1. Continuity, continuity, continuity!
Perhaps the most prominent, most important, and most popular tip for how top students study is this! But despite its popularity, few students still follow this right approach to study, as it requires high continuity and abandoning short-term pleasures in order to achieve long-term goals that are not instantaneous and require great patience and a long breath to reach them.
It is important for the student to define a dedicated daily response from the school hours, during which focus is present, and to prevent long-term buildup when exams are approaching and the student feels trapped in a tight time and a large amount of lectures and information that must be studied and completed. Continuity in this act - studying on a daily basis - is the cornerstone on which the other steps are based. It can be likened here to eating food. Good health is the result of a continuous routine of healthy food on a daily basis and exercise, and by studying the same thing, it is a continuity of a daily routine of a few hours. of memorization and recall.
2. Setting schedules and setting goals accurately
The issue here is not only about academic success and knowing how the best students study, but it also generalizes to all other fields as well. Inactivity with regard to studying on a daily basis and maintaining the academic rhythm to its fullest.
What is the purpose of the study at the moment? Is there a test coming soon? Is there a semester exam? Are there recent graduation exams? Such questions should be answered in order to find out what is the best way to set the tables on which the study and memorization plan will be drawn up. It can't be a floating random, study just study! Rather, it should be defined and controlled more.
3. Self-discipline and create a private space
It is not possible to know how the best students study when the student who intends to do the same is studying in the bedroom or the kitchen! There may be individual cases that are happy in such places, but the general line indicates the opposite. Everyone needs a place and a table dedicated to studying, so that the brain prepares psychologically and prepares to enter the space of intellectual activity and leave it to the logic of previous comfort. In addition to the importance of arranging the place and its consistency so as not to get bored of it and thus try to escape by playing on the phone or any other distractions.
Dedicating, coordinating, and arranging a study table helps reinforce the concept of self-discipline further. Getting up at the same times and resting at the same times makes the brain automatically understand when it should rest and when it should study. This is an important feature not only for students, but also in work, social relations and various other aspects. Discipline generates a benefit that reverts to everyone in the different aspects of their work.
4. Love what you study
It may be one of the most difficult steps, but it is also indispensable. The love of the given and studied material, and away from the corridors of study, the love of work as well.. is the best way to shine in it, especially when there is no escape or escape from it. For example, could you change what you study? no. If it's over, you should force yourself to develop a passion and interest in what you have now. why are you doing that? Because the consequences of not doing so will be dire!
Then you will not have studied what you love, in addition to this, you have also failed in it, so two failures gathered here, in addition to one failure! Moreover, everything in this existence arouses curiosity and is important in one way, just like books. There is no book without and it is possible to benefit from it even with one piece of information, which is the name of the author! And studying the same thing, you can benefit from it even to the minimum, and you can - if you are smart and clever - to combine it with other aspects and accessories that enable you to engage in and love the labor market and perhaps invent new things!
5. Test yourself
The most effective way to avoid severe failure or getting used to the upcoming exams, is to surprise them with personal tests that the student does for himself in order to refresh his information and memory and remember them in the best way. In a study issued in 2020, it was conducted on students with ADHD, the results indicated that the retrieval of information through repeated tests significantly contributed to its more fixation and its presence in the mind.
These tests can be done through multiple patterns, for example, you can put posters on the wall containing questions from the curriculum that you study constantly and update them every week or month according to your study plan, and you can also make one of your brothers or friends to ask you randomly from the courses until Test yourself from time to time. The important thing in the whole process is that the information does not die within the brain and is hidden in a safe that no one enters and never remembers from! This helps to forget about it.
You should always refresh her with little tests that activate the memory, improve the mood, and reduce the shock of the real tests at the end!
6. It's normal to make mistakes!
One of the most prominent laws of science, work and other areas of life is learning from mistakes. A believer is not stung from the same hole twice, and a good student who aspires to obtain high grades, high seats, and a prestigious social rank, must not be stung from the same subject and curriculum and make the same mistakes twice, three, and four times! Then it is necessary to stop for a while and look at the problem that led to such consequences and try to solve it. Especially since this does not come for free, but in the end your life is wasted with failed attempts that do not get fat and do not sing from hunger!
Mistakes are beautiful and useful, and perhaps they are the main key to learning anything, but repeating them, especially if they are themselves, is a terrible thing that must be eliminated, as there are new mistakes that must be committed and learn from, so do not deprive yourself of this opportunity never.
7. Using pictures and mind maps
Memorizing and remembering methods differ according to the different person, his inclinations and personal preferences, but there is almost agreement on the importance of the image, mental maps, and tables summarizing big ideas in the process of remembering and facilitating the entry of information into the brain. One study found that visual factors have an impact on students' memory, especially those on the board in a lecture or lesson. It makes it easier for students to understand the information first, and then remember it second.
Just as the picture or mental map you draw or keep in your mind, it is very normal for it to be stupid or meaningless. Conversely, the simpler the image, the more memorable it is. Especially that a German study conducted in 2003 confirmed this idea, indicating that those who were exposed only to textual information were able to remember less than those who were exposed to visual information containing maps and an illustration.
8. Find examples
Abstract concepts are sometimes difficult to understand, so it is necessary to solve and decipher them by giving examples that clarify the picture more and make it closer to the understanding of the brain. From posing the example of lemons and other vegetables, so that the understanding is clearer and smoother, and evidenced by examples.
This contributes to employing new information in understanding the surrounding reality more and linking it with what you want to memorize and remember.