8Things That Help Young And Old To Memorize And Remember Anything No Matter What
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Save and Remember Anything:
The human brain has no problem with storage because it has unlimited space. The problem is that with age you lose the ability to remember things because the brain protects you from information overload. However, you can continue to train your brain to memorize important things and you can also make your child's ability to memorize information better
Here are some secrets to keeping anything, no matter what:
Use repetition to keep the information in your head.
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The brain processes new information in our short-term memory but we may quickly forget this information if we don't use it frequently. According to the Ebinghaus Forgetting Curve, we forget half of what you learn in an hour. This memory reduces to 20 percent by the end of the week. To consolidate it, we need to transfer this information into our long-term memory through repetition.
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But it is important to know that keeping something for a long time by repetition must be timely. People can better retain information by properly spacing learning periods, for example when studying a new language.
To fix the information in the short-term memory, you must repeat the information after twenty minutes, after 8 hours, and after 24 hours.. But when you want to fix the information in the long-term memory , you must repeat the information after 20 minutes, 24 hours, two weeks, and then two months.
Teach what you've learned to someone else
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The educational pyramid is a concept developed by experts in the 1960s. This pyramid indicates that people can retain their memory 90 percent better if they immediately teach or discuss what they have learned to someone else. Through teaching, a person forces the mind to focus. Because you are also new to information, you will likely make some mistakes and your brain will work to correct them.
No matter how focused you are on a lecture or a lesson, you need to immediately apply what you have learned to assess what you have understood from it. So, if the person or the student acquires a new idea, he should put it to work by showing it to someone or writing it down as soon as possible. Also, listening to a person talking out loud helps him to focus better..Practice makes you reach the top..
Study or read extensively in the afternoon
The Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research reports that your ability to memorize information is better if you read extensively in the afternoon. Most people think they should study when they are on their highest alert, usually in the morning. But know that it is the short-term memory that is sharp in the morning.
Therefore, it is preferable to do the heavy things on the brain, such as studying or reading a lot of documents, in the afternoon. This helps you memorize by keeping the information in your long-term memory. Experts say this technique is effective because of the short period of time between reading time and bedtime.
You can continue to train your brain to memorize important things and you can make your child's ability to memorize information better and faster.
Get enough sleep to help your brain gather information
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According to a study published in Psychological Reviews, sleep plays a vital role in strengthening memory. People who prepare themselves for exams by getting enough sleep get positive results in exams. Sleep allows the brain to rest, especially after a day heavy with reading and receiving information, and taking short breaks during the lesson helps your brain to recharge it..
To fix the information in the short-term memory, you must repeat the information after twenty minutes, after 8 hours, and after 24 hours.. But when you want to fix the information in the long-term memory, you must repeat the information after 20 minutes, 24 hours, two weeks, and then two months.
Building a memory 'palace' in your brain
The Memory Palace technique, also known as the Loci method, has been around since ancient Roman times. You've probably heard of it before because experts recommend it all the time. It is also prevalent in all popular cultures and films. This trick suggests creating visual images or spatial representations of the things you want to remember in your head to associate with something.
You can also use different cues such as hearing (sound), olfactory (smell), taste (taste), kinesthetic ( touch ), and concepts (thoughts) to encode in your mind. Think of this technology as a virtual reality platform in your head. When you create an imaginary structure, you help your brain reduce its cognitive load, and thus better use its mental resources.
Use the mind mapping technique
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Mind Mapping will also help you with focus and memorization, especially if you use it in conjunction with Memory Palace. The fact that the technique of mental mapping helps with analysis and creativity, and your brain becomes more active and engaged when processing new information.
When you learn something, you usually take notes more linearly. But when you translate those notes into a map with different ramifications, you can get better at memorizing, planning, brainstorming, and problem-solving. Use colors, icons, graphics , and other attractive elements to create your mind map. These signals will help you keep your mind alert.
Make use of rhymes and rhythmic words
In preschool classes, rhythmic words and rhymes are used to get children to memorize what they hear.. In fact, rhymes have familiar patterns that are similar to music. This rhythmic pattern makes things easier to remember. Using rhymes to help memorize is an old technique. Cognitive scientist David Rubin wrote in his 1995 book, Memory in Oral Traditions, that when college students were forced to listen to a song with similar rhymes, they performed better in school.
Use the power of positive thinking
People think that old people are people with poor memory. But there is research showing how the power of positive thinking can make older adults less forgetful. Study participants, who ranged in age from 59 to 79, were divided into two groups. The first group asked the participants to read a fictitious article about the negative effects of forgetting.. The second group made them read a fake story about preserving and improving memory despite forgetting
Participants were also asked to take a memory test. Those who remembered the words and phrases of what they read were rewarded with money. Those who had forgotten what they had read were asked to pay money as part of the experiment. But, even with such motivation, those who read the fake story about amnesia did worse on the test than the other group. Those who read the positive story scored better.
Experts said that older people who thought they were people who forget a lot had worse memory, while those who focused on that it was possible to improve memory had better memory.

One last thought
Forgetting is a natural process, but the mind is like a muscle that can be protected from the effects of aging. Suffice it to say that if you use your brain more, you can effectively maintain it. Then, you won't have problems trying to memorize names, places, things, events, and other important information.
