Raising a child under 6 years old: the most important points for good handling:
Raising a child under 6 years old: the most important points for good handling: 2492 
Welcome to all my valued visitors to my child’s world. There are some points in education that we must make and adhere to in raising our children under the age of six in order to contribute to their proper upbringing and help them form a healthy, balanced personality, and to teach them the most important thing they must do at an early age so that we teach them the responsibility.
The most important points that will help you in dealing with your children under six years of age:
 Do not slap the child's face at all at this stage, as this will cause him to cowardice and he will have a weak personality in the future and will raise a cowardly woman who is afraid of anyone who waves his hand at him.
 Not yelling, i.e. speaking in a very loud voice in their faces as soon as they do anything wrong from the parents' point of view, as this method makes the child follow the same method in expressing his views.
 Avoid being intolerant in front of children in any situation and not to break anything nervously under the pretext of being angry, as this behavior also transfers to the child and he feels that breaking things at the time of emotion is the way to calm the nerves.
 The father or mother did not smoke in front of the children, and regardless of the unhealthy environment,  the child begins to put anything in his mouth to imitate the parents in smoking.
 Not appearing without clothes in front of children, as many parents believe that children at this age do not pay attention to such matters, but on the contrary, children from the age of one and a half years pay attention to everything and think about it.
Children at this stage should not see their parents quarreling, as this leads to a broken sense of security in him, as he sees that he loves people to his heart while he suffers and cries, and he feels hatred for his father for his father.
 You must entrust your child at the age of two and a half years to someone who has memorized the Qur’an, as he is able to memorize a very large amount at this age. Instead of directing this memory to memorizing songs, we direct it to memorize the Qur’an. At the age of six and five, a child can memorize more than one page of the Qur’an.
After reading it two or three times.
 The child at this stage should pay attention to the development of his memory by asking him to tell a story he has already heard.
 The writing muscle in the hand should not be stressed before 5 years, and this is the age at which its development is complete. That is, the parents should not rush the child to write before the completion of these muscles so as not to strain, but allow the child to color, scribble and draw, but he cannot control the lines and show them after his appearance.
 The child must be given an opportunity to try to eat by himself, even if he causes problems the first time, but with simple instructions without emotion and by providing tools that do not break and safety factors for him.
We do not forget the healthy healthy habits, including brushing the teeth, eating with the right hand, taking care of her hair and taking care of it, the child must get used at this stage that breakfast is essential and washing hands before eating, and this is in addition to keeping it organized and keeping it healthy.
 Teach children ways to deal with their peers, whether in the family or nursery, and this is a very important matter, and perhaps the most important point is to accustom the child to generosity with his peers.
Important though simple things that you should teach your children at an early age:
 Correct education does not require a certain age to begin, because everything is formed and stored in the minds of our children since birth and at a very young age. So we must teach them what will benefit them whenever the opportunity arises, not with age or time.
Teach your sons and daughters:
 to clip their nails.
 To differentiate between clean clothes and soiled clothes.

 How do they prepare a small sandwich (sandwich) to feed themselves or others.
 To raise their plate after eating and how to clean it before placing it in the place designated for washing.
 To put a napkin or plate under the chocolate or biscuits or any food that causes crumbling, in order to maintain the cleanliness of their clothes and the cleanliness of the place.
 To eat slowly, without hurry, and respectfully from any part of the plate closest to them, without hitting the plate, and of course emphasizing the necessity of closing the mouth when chewing.
 To have awareness of themselves, their body, their smell and their cleanliness.
 To participate in spreading the laundry and collecting it so that they can do the job on their own.
 Not to enter people's homes without permission.
 Not to interfere in people's privacy.
 To carry a gift, even if it is small, if they go on special visits, if it is their first visit.
 To collect trash and save anything that falls without asking them for advice.
 Not to throw excrement in the street after eating anything.
 To know how to comb their hair.
 To choose their clothes, how to coordinate them, their details, and their haircut.
 To open the door for adults and give them priority to enter or pass, and to give them their places in the class if they need.
 Teach them the connection of the womb and its importance in the interdependence and preservation of relationships.

 To help you carry bags of vegetables, supermarkets, or any other bags, or at least carry their own bags in their wallets.
 To know the difference between indifference, concession, tolerance, and taking right and tyranny.
 To dance, sing, paint, talk, run, and express themselves and their feelings.
 To ask and question, discuss and object or accept... to have an opinion.
