5Evidence That You Are A Great Mom, And 4 Steps To Stop Feeling Guilt!
!5Evidence That You Are A Great Mom, And 4 Steps To Stop Feeling Guilt 2500 
5Evidence That You're a Great Mom 5
Sometimes you explode with sadness or anger: sometimes you do, even in the presence of your child. you are right! How will we teach our children to express their feelings if we hide and suppress our feelings? We have the right to express our sadness and anger (to the whole world) and even to our child. So instead of using hurtful phrases or actions, we use those feelings to find a solution to our problem. As Jane Nielsen, author of Positive Discipline, says, a child does better when he expresses his feelings better. So try to take advantage of this sadness or anger to explain to your child what is going on in your heart and get him involved in finding solutions. And if you're about to explode, try to isolate yourself for 3 minutes to relieve tension and stress before starting discussions.
You Make Mistakes In positive discipline we say mistakes are opportunities to learn. The challenges we face on a daily basis with our children are great starting points for teaching them the life skills that matter to us. When you make a mistake, try to think about what that mistake could lead to and how you can use it to improve yourself. You will feel much better!
You often feel that you are doing things incorrectly: tell yourself this very well: what is perfect is nothing but what we do not do. And as long as you're not a perfect mother, that means you're doing the right thing. We become better through practice, and this also applies to our role as mothers.
LOVE YOUR BABY: This unconditional love we give to our children is the best you can give them to help them thrive and develop . For him, the love that a child receives is what water is to the plant. So pursue their love as you do. And don't forget to tell them that you love them! Why do you feel angry if your child crosses the road alone? Because fear owns you. Why do you have fear? Simply because you love him.
You are reading an article on the Smart Education page! You are likely to follow other sources. You may resent yourself for needing to educate yourself, because you think that a mother's job should be something natural that doesn't require training. I would like to answer this to you that a mother who learns about parenting is a mother who questions, doubts her abilities and tries to look for the best. And the mother who wonders for sure is a great mother.
4Steps to stop blaming yourself 
To stop feeling self-blame and guilt, it's certainly much easier said than done. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes practice and practice. Here are 4 steps to help you get started.
Initially focus on a situation that recurs constantly, which always puts you in a state of deep feelings of guilt.
Say it out loud or in your head, “Blaming myself doesn't help anything, it just hurts me. I have to go forward.”
Also tell yourself, "I make mistakes, I'm not a perfect mother, but I love my child."
Take action to improve the situation. To do this, you can find tips from this page or from educational books and websites . In any case, choose advice that fits your situation and that aligns with your own values ​​and personality to get started.

Congratulate yourself! We often tend to criticize ourselves and seldom congratulate ourselves on the road we have come or the achievement we have achieved. So whenever you achieve a small victory, congratulate yourself and don't be afraid of the following words: You are a great mom!
Have you ever felt guilty? Feel free to comment at the bottom of the article.
