?Mom… Where Do Children Come From: How Do We Explain The Birth Process To A Young Child
?Mom… Where Do Children Come From: How Do We Explain The Birth Process To A Young Child 2213
One day, all parents face the following question: “How does the child come?” When children are young, they are content with small, brief explanations. However, some children are more curious or ask more questions as they get older. If you are pregnant, or one of the women surrounding you is pregnant, the child may also ask this question:
"How does a child come out of his mother's womb?".
This question may make you nervous and evasive. I understand you'd prefer not to answer this question, but tell yourself that birth is a stage in the life cycle , and that your baby wants to know where he's coming from by asking similar questions.
However, before you get into a lengthy explanation that may not make you comfortable, ask your child the same question: “How do you think babies are born?” Thus, you will get an idea of how he understands the topic and you will be able to complete the explanation starting with information that your child understands, without having to go far in the explanation. The important thing is to give him real explanations that are adapted to his stage of development.
Often a short and simple answer is sufficient. You can start by saying to him “When the baby is ready to go out, the mother’s tummy narrows and contracts to push him out” or “When the place (the sac) in which the baby grows becomes narrow, the mother must push hard to help him out.”
In a book I read recently, a mother explains to her young child that the mother's pelvis is like a “large, long tunnel that grows and grows” so that it can let the baby out.
You can answer according to his age and consciousness without giving him more details.
On the other hand, if your baby thinks that the baby is born through the navel or the breech, avoid adopting this misconception. In such a case, or if your baby wants more information, you can tell him that the baby is going through an incision between the mother's legs.
Only later, when he is old enough to be able to understand the basics of human reproduction (4-5 years), can you explain to him that the baby exits through the mother's womb.
If you find yourself speechless or confused about how to explain the concept of birth to your baby, know that there are many books on the subject.
