Simple ways reveal the secrets and secrets of our children. use it
Hello all dear visitors to my child's world, psychologists have devised ways to help parents discover the  secrets and secrets of their children. In a spontaneous, indirect way, and without explicit questions that frighten them, we present the most important ones in this article and we recommend using them, as they may be the key to dealing with your child.
Simple ways reveal the secrets and secrets of our children. use it 2549 
The most important smooth and effective ways to know the secrets of our children:
: the story of the sparrow
Tell your child about the story of the father bird, the mother bird and their son, the little bird. They sleep in the nest above the tree, strong winds blow and the nest falls on the ground.. The father bird flies to a tree and the mother bird to another tree.. Ask your child: Where did the little bird fly? If your child says that the bird flew to his father, then he is attached to his father, and if he says that he flew to his mother, then he is attached to his mother and sees her as the source of safety.
 : a story of fear
Tell your child that there is a child crying a lot and saying that he is very afraid. What is he afraid of, or who is he afraid of? The child's answer will let you know many of his personal fears and the people who frighten him or feel that their presence threatens and annoys him.
 Travel story
Tell him that someone will travel to a very far place and will never come back. Who do you expect this person to be? And the answer of the child will make you know who is the person that the child hates and wishes away from him,  but if he tells you that the one who will travel (I), he hates himself. Watch his answer.
 The story of the new news:
Tell your child that there is a child who came back from school and his mother told him to come quickly.. I have new news for you. Ask your child: What do you expect this news to be? A child's answer helps us identify an aspect of his or her desires, fears, and expectations.
: The story of a disturbing dream
Tell your child that there is a child who woke up tired and upset and told his mother that he saw a disturbing dream in his sleep, and ask your child: What did the child see in his sleep in your opinion? His answer will make you learn about his weaknesses and problems in his relationships with his family members and friends.
It is important not to suggest to the child the answer or scold him for it if it does not suit you, and not to tell him that you expect another answer from him.
The purpose of these stories is to identify and deal with the child's fears and concerns. Our goal is always to treat your children and discover them.
 Understand children's needs by analyzing their drawings
 As a parent, you can understand the psychology and needs of your child in the simplest details and in everything the child does, only if you are aware of some of the essentials about your child. It is not only expression and speech from him that expresses his needs, but there are behaviors that sometimes are more expressive and attract attention, such as activities, and we find them, for example, drawing.
Simple ways reveal the secrets and secrets of our children. use it 6239
When a child begins to scribble in a particular book or notebook to a remarkable degree, it indicates boredom, lack of focus, lack of love for this material, or perhaps a lack of understanding of this material.
 If the child starts drawing from the left of the page and then scrolls to the right, he may be ill or in need of tenderness and in need of attention and care from the parents.
 If the child’s writing is always or often at the head of the page, he may need to check his eyesight, and if it is correct, he must change his place in the class because these are signs of poor academic and scientific achievement.
 Spelling errors in all words can be dangerous signals that mean brain dysfunction or learning difficulty.
 Crossing out the words or correcting them so heavily that the paper is broken means frustration in education or self-loathing.
 If the letter sizes are larger or smaller to a different degree than the writings of his peers in age, it means that there is something wrong with the eye or ear.
 Writing intertwined words constantly and continuously means an eye defect or family problems at home, and it may be indications of difficulty in speaking, such as stuttering, for example.
 Many writing errors may be caused by nervousness or dyslexia, knowing that boys have more dysgraphia than girls.
Drawing ugly faces or weapons by the child has indications of hate and many family disputes or the environment in which he lives, so the child's social situation must be studied so as not to affect his peers in the study.
  The inability to control the line, its inclination, and the pressure of the pen at the age of ten means a lack of intellectual and emotional balance in the child.
 Drawing unhappy or crying faces is an expression of a child's true feelings
. When a child begins writing his name and then crosses it out, there are signs of psychological discomfort. A child who never loves himself.