Child from 3 to 5 years old: The most important thing about this important age stage
Child from 3 to 5 years old: The most important thing about this important age stage 252
Hello all visitors to my dear child’s world, the child’s age from 3 to 5 years is a very important and difficult stage at the same time, easy because it is characterized by the speed in the growth and development of the child and the speed of acceptance and absorption and the establishment of information in his mind. It is difficult because we must be aware, pay attention, and be as vigilant as possible so that our behaviors set an example for our child so that he can see us and imitate us in everything that is positive and grow with him little by little and become good habits and behaviors for him, and his construction is sound and his upbringing is correct.
What can your three-year-old do:
We can certainly help develop and develop motor development in our children, in addition to what they can do  at this age:
- Your child can insert four large beads into the thread, provided that we use safe tools to keep him safe.
Your child at this age can swap for doors, meaning he opens and closes doors.
- The child jumps with both feet and at this stage you can let him jump on a trampoline, for example, so that you do not find him jumping on the sitting room.
- In this period your child will begin to master the descent and ascent of stairs at first, he will be with your help, but by the end of the stage he will be very good at it on his own.
- It is possible to play with your child the toy train, he walks backwards, and teach him to walk backwards, not only forward, this helps to hold his balance.
- Your child can also at this stage throw the ball at a distance of one and a half meters accurately with training.
Continuing education. It is best to start trying to devise  activities with your children to play with them useful games that develop their abilities and skills,  after motivating them, of course, so that they get more excited, such as telling them about the game and the benefit you will get from it if we pay close attention.

For the father and mother: games to develop the intelligence of the child from the age of 4 to 5 years:
1- Show a picture to your child and ask him to tell you a story about what the picture he sees suggests to him and let him think so that his brain is activated and his thoughts are formed little by little.
2- Cover empty bottles cans and at a distance not far, put a volleyball basket, for example, and throw the lids together inside it, and then make other attempts with encouragement, of course.
3- Draw a simple drawing that I show him, then erase it and ask him to imitate it after wiping it, and then ask him to imitate it while his eyes are closed.
4- You can also mention a word to him and ask him to tell you some of its uses.
5- The game of opposites: it means that you say the word while he says the opposite, for example: black and white, short and long, small and large, and so on.
6- The quick rhyme game by finding words that rhyme with the same word that you say, for example, Hadid, Happy, New, and so on.
7- Choose to say a letter to him and he should mention words that start with that letter.
8- Sing a children's song he knows, change one of the words, and find out what's wrong.
9- Going back by asking him what did you do in the morning, he says I had breakfast, so you add what did you break? Eggs and what before breakfast? I washed my face and what before you wash your face? I brushed my teeth and so on.
10- Put, for example, 5 items on a plate and your child sees it for 5 minutes, for example, then hide something from those items and he must know the missing item.
11- Tell him easy riddles, for example, what is the thing that is put on the bed and we sleep on it... and so on.
12- Your child suggests a word with which to start a story for him and you two compose it together.
13- Tell him a sentence to memorize and ask him to say these sentences in representation and each time in a different situation from the other, for example when he is happy, sad, surprised or afraid.. For example, the sentence: I saw a cat in the middle of the road in front of passing cars.
The directions should be in a simple way that goes with your child's mind:
- When your child insults his brother instead of telling him this is a defect, I am tired of your behavior
Tell him: God hates obscene and obscene. With the need to explain to him what you say.
- Your eldest child beat her younger brother, instead of telling her: "Fuck you, this is a despicable act." Tell her: The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe. With the necessity of clarification, of course, so that it is easier for them to understand.
- Your child responds to your words out loud, do not say to him: I am your mother, your father, you are not polite at all.
Say to him: And do not say to them a thousand, and do not reprimand them, and say to them a kind word. Explain to him what you are saying, because this makes it easier for him to understand and assimilate, and it also facilitates the establishment of new information in his mind.
The Qur’an is not for worship and the Sunnah is not only for blessing,  the Qur’an and the Sunnah are a way of life that we must live, apply and breathe so that we can instill them with love and without effort in the minds and behaviors of our children..

Understand your child well and then teach him to make decisions:
All the kids fight, but do you know where the problem is? The problem is if the mother asks the owner of the game to give it up for the second child, and the biggest problem is if she tells him to be better than him and give him your toy.
?? where is the problem
Because someone will grow up believing that giving up his right is a natural and a duty to please others. The second will grow up believing that his desires must be answered, even if he attacks others by screaming and attacking.
The child has the right to refuse to play with him with his toys, but we can teach him that he has the right to accept or refuse to participate and explain to him the consequences of his behavior, such as telling you the choice if you do not like to give him the game, but you can enjoy playing more if you play with him.  Here we will explain to him what participation means, and we will enhance his decision-making ability.
The second child understands that he cannot get everything he wants by screaming and attacking, and he must learn to use question, demand and literature, and we must pay attention and not reinforce his attacking behavior.
The problem is that the parents cannot bear, they want the one who screams to shut up quickly, so they also attack the weak party, asking him to give up and waive his rights to the second child. Her right to get everything by trespassing and screaming.