??The most important thing that makes a child's psyche good is to make him feel happy: how is that
Welcome to all my dear visitors to my child’s world.  One of the things that makes a child’s psyche always good is to make him feel happy, but we must be aware as parents that making him happy does not require planning, but rather depends on the stage in which he lives and also depends on the extent to which he understands the attempts of parents to please him.
??The most important thing that makes a child's psyche good is to make him feel happy: how is that 2102 
??What should I do to make my child grow happily
We, as parents, must be happy first, for the child can perceive whether his parents are happy or not. He may not feel any happiness if he sees sadness on the face of those closest to him, we must always be positive, smile and think positive.
Dependence on the child:
We must give our child some responsibilities in order to give him space to discover his abilities, as the child's feeling that he is able to achieve gives him happiness, especially if it is accompanied by the encouragement, motivation and support of the family.
 We should express our gratitude to our child for his good work and polite behavior. Hearing words of praise and gratitude calms himself and brings happiness to his heart.
Praise only when appropriate:
 We must praise what is worthy of praise, because praise for children is like food for the soul because it raises their morale and encourages them to do the work for which they receive praise, even if it is somewhat difficult for them, thanks to their praise, they dare to accomplish them and succeed in them with high confidence in themselves.
We should not make him feel that we are trying to make him happy, because in this way he will turn into a spoiled child who wants things easily. We have to bring happiness to his heart without trouble, and if he feels that everything we do is natural, then his desires become natural as well.

Finding an appropriate language of communication with the child:
 We have to create a language of communication with him and that includes laughing with him if there is a funny situation for him so that we can be proficient in effective communication with him that will fruit and develop the relationship between us, so we understand more of what he needs and meet the possible without exaggerating in pampering him.
Understand the child's requirements:
 We must understand his requirements. When a child is in the first year of his life, a piece of chocolate makes the sparkle of innocent happiness shine from his eyes until it becomes just something delicious, as we have to pay attention to the stages of his growth to act on that basis, otherwise resorting to the same habits and methods will make him miserable. .
Allow it to fail:
 Also, we must allow him to fail as he succeeds, so we do not ask him for what he is not capable of, and this is what snatches happiness from his eyes and from his heart and makes him feel inferior and unable to achieve. Followed by continuity in doing.
