! A new theory explains why aliens ignore our messages
 ! A new theory explains why aliens ignore our messages 189
The 1950 Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi asked a question that has baffled astronomers to this day: "Where is everyone?" This inquiry has been immortalized in the Fermi paradox.
The new theory (the asymptotic exhaustion theory) asserts that there is a conflict between the apparent absence of aliens and the possibility of their existence.
Proponents of this theory say that the universe is three times larger than our solar system, and contains more than a billion trillion stars. If naive humans can travel to the moon, why haven't any 
?extraterrestrials visited us
Two human biologists suggested an answer this week that might work: "Alien civilizations are constantly advancing and they are too big to handle interstellar travel."
Dr. Michael Wong of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Dr. Stuart Bartlett of the California Institute of Technology have described the crisis as "asymptotic fatigue", where space communities reach the point when their energy demands become unsustainable.
Scientists at Royal Society Open Science hypothesize that alien civilizations either collapse from exhaustion, or reorient themselves to prioritizing equilibrium—a state in which cosmic expansion is no longer a target, making them difficult to detect from afar.
Planetary civilizations can transform these catastrophes by technological reconfigurations, but this only delays and does not cancel the inevitable.

Alien civilizations on the verge of exhaustion may be easier to spot, as the study authors say: "They would alter their environments and dissipate heat energy in a highly unsustainable manner, resulting in planetary-scale fluctuations that are the biggest indication of noise."
Wong and Bartlett admit that their hypothesis has a major flaw and there is no real evidence for the idea, as this hypothesis relies solely on the laws of life on Earth that may not apply to other planets.
Perhaps humanity will be the first victim of asymptotic fatigue, who
! knows
