13Facts that will make you see the universe from another perspective
The universe is a crazy place. In fact, it's the craziest place, filled with explosions of stars and galaxies that were ejected about 14 billion years ago. Here you will see 14 awesome facts that will change your view of the universe:
1. If you stripped all of your DNA, it would stretch 55 billion kilometres, which is six times all the way to Pluto and back.
2. Almost 99.9999999% of any substance is a vacuum, so if you took out all the empty space of atoms then all 7 billion of the human race could be compressed into the volume of a cube of sugar.
3. Many of the atoms your body is made of, from the calcium in your bones to the iron in your blood, fermented in the core of a star that exploded millions of years ago. In fact, your body contains cosmic remnants from the beginning of the creation of the universe. Almost all of the hydrogen atoms in your body were formed from the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago.
4. When you tune in to TV stations, a small percentage of the noise you see is actually a flash left over from the Big Bang.
5. The light from the stars takes a long time to reach our eyes. That's when you look up at the sky on a starry night, you're really looking back at the past. NASA's Hubble Telescope can look back 13 million years ago.
6. Forty-seven years ago, mankind took its first steps on the surface of the moon. That shoe mark will be there for a million years from now. This is because the moon has no atmosphere, so there is no wind or water to remove or wash away the marks on the surface.
7. Outer space is silent, eerily silent, because sound waves need a medium to travel through, and space is a dark and silent void.
8. If you touch two pieces of metal, they will fuse forever (unless you break them into two pieces).
9. One year on Venus equals 224 days on Earth, and one day on Venus equals 243 days on Earth. Which makes the day longer than the year on Venus. Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates backwards.
10. The sun makes up 99.86% of the mass of the solar system. It's so big that you could fit 1.3 million Earths in it.
11. There may be as many as three sextillion stars in the universe, i.e. three followed by 23 zeros, more than the number of grains of sand on Earth.
12. When a massive star explodes, generating a nucleus in the form of a neutron star, neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of its substance weighs about the weight of Mount Everest. The explosion spins the star at a whopping 600 revolutions per second.
13. Whatever, observable things like stars and planets make up 5% of the universe. The remaining 95% of the universe is made up of 68% of invisible dark energy and 27% of dark matter. This means that there is 95% of the universe that we don't know about yet.