8Situations in which it is advised not to drink coffee
8Situations in which it is advised not to drink coffee 1105
There is no doubt that coffee (if you drink it in moderation) has health advantages that have been proven by scientific and statistical studies, and new ones are still being discovered every few years, including accelerating the metabolism in the body, and preventing a number of diseases, such as diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. Parkinson's disease, dementia (including Alzheimer's disease), some cancers...
All this in addition to its benign effect on awareness, focus and activity that makes most of us want to start our day with a cup of it, and which makes it the most popular drink in the world (coffee consumption is estimated at two and a quarter billion worldwide). A cup a day, or about a million and a half cups every minute!).
But, as everything is good in this world, there are health reservations about drinking coffee in some cases, most of which are the complications that come from drinking large amounts of it (experts advise that we consume no more than 300 mg of caffeine per day - the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee prepared in home), excessive consumption of coffee may lead to stress, insomnia and habituation.

We list below the most important cases in which doctors advise avoiding drinking coffee to avoid its harmful effects..
1-If you are predisposed to stress or insomnia
, caffeine in coffee raises the nervous system, and stimulates the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which paves the way for anxiety, twitching and difficulty falling asleep.
If you suffer from a nervous disease characterized by stress or insomnia, doctors advise reducing your coffee consumption to a cup, or at most two cups, of coffee (which is preferably decaffeinated), and they also advise that you stop drinking coffee completely about 6 hours before you go to bed .
2-If you have been deprived of sleep for a long time,
recent studies have shown that there are limits to the ability of coffee to fight drowsiness and stimulate attention. If you sleep less than 5 hours per night for 3 consecutive nights or more, no amount of coffee will help you restore your activity And your focus, on the contrary, may harm you.
And the only solution to restore your vitality for experts in this case is a nap (even for a period of 20 minutes), this is more effective and safer than any amount of coffee you drink.
3-If it
is dawn, stress hormones such as cortisol are more concentrated in the blood than at any other time in the early morning hours, which gives us a strong natural boost of activity, mental ability and preparedness, then the levels of these natural hormones begin to decline gradually around ten in the morning until noon, what It makes this time - from the point of view of specialists - the best time for coffee.
But if you have your cup of coffee early in the morning, as many people do, you will most likely need to repeat the ball after two or three hours if you want to maintain your activity level, which may not be in your interest, if you are one of those who advise limiting your caffeine consumption.
4-If the coffee is too hot,
the World Health Organization issued a recent report stating that drinks whose temperature exceeds 65 degrees Celsius increase the risk of oesophageal cancer. This makes many who drink coffee immediately after it boils at risk.
Although adding some milk or cream lowers the coffee's heat a little, the best solution is to wait a bit before enjoying your coffee (experts estimate that waiting 5 minutes after boiling the coffee will reduce its temperature to below 65 degrees Celsius).
5-If you have some diseases
Caffeine has been shown to increase the severity of some diseases and delay their recovery.
These diseases include: hypertension, some heart rhythm disturbances, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis (especially in postmenopausal women), hyperacidity of the stomach (including peptic ulcer), and esophageal regurgitation (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Urinary symptoms in patients with lesions of the prostate (prostate) and bladder lesions.
If you are one of these patients, ask your doctor if you should reduce your coffee consumption, or abstain from it completely.
6-If you are committed to some medications,
caffeine counteracts the effect of some drugs, including thyroid medications, depression medications, and some peptic ulcer medications such as Tagamet. .
7-If the pregnant woman is at risk of miscarriage
Caffeine increases the odds of miscarriage in pregnant women who are prone to this complication .

8-If your bad LDL cholesterol is high
, as caffeine raises the levels of LDL cholesterol, and one of the ways to overcome this problem is to use a filter paper (filter) through which coffee is passed to isolate the cafesterol, which is responsible for the rise in LDL.
