Here is Einstein's advice to his son in order to learn anything very quickly
Here is Einstein's advice to his son in order to learn anything very quickly 11084 
The genius of physics and the smartest man known to mankind gave his young son simple, fun tips on how to learn anything quickly.
Geniuses and geniuses may be distinguished by their uncanny ability to grasp and master some of the most complex things of all with complete ease, but that doesn't mean that if you somehow managed to single out one of the sharpest minds in the world over a coffee and chat, you wouldn't understand anything. What he will tell you, or that will cause you psychological complexity of any kind, according to the famous Nobel Prize-winning physicist “Richard Feynman”, the true sign of genius is to be able to explain complex things in a very simple way.
If the above is true, it is yet another sign of the great genius and unique talents of Albert Einstein (as if we need more of them to prove his genius).
Here's a glimpse into Einstein's life as a loving father interested in his son's education:
In 1915, Albert Einstein was living in Berlin; Where was he working on his theory of general relativity, while his expatriate wife at the time was taking care of his two sons in Vienna.
In an era when e-mails and Skype were not available at the time, this meant exchanging many written messages between this great physicist and his family in the old way, these messages that one of the bloggers “Maria Popova” found and published on her blog The intriguing “Brain Pickings.”
The short message sent by the physicist to his eleven-year-old son, Hans Albert Einstein, did not only show Einstein as that kind father whom the world had not seen in this way before; Rather, it proves Feynman's point that geniuses do not speak in some kind of riddles, but speak in simple and clear language that is understood by all.
Here is the text of the message, dear readers:
“I am very happy just to know that you enjoy playing the piano, it is, in my opinion, besides carpentry the best thing you can do for your age, even better than the school itself, because these things suit a young person of your age very well, and I advise you By playing the pieces and plays you like on the piano, even if your teacher hasn't assigned them to you, that's the way you learn best, when you're doing something you enjoy so much that you don't feel the time as it goes by, I myself sometimes find myself busy with my work in a way Makes me even forget about dinner…”
Surprisingly, the researchers proved that Einstein's method and intuition that passion and even laughter and indulging in the things you love are the best way to learn, better than the traditional ways in which most international schools operate in indoctrination, giving lessons and compulsory attendance of classes.
However, the exceptional benefits that a person may benefit from when practicing the craft of carpentry have not yet been proven by any of the psychological experts in child sciences, at least until now, because Einstein has always surprised us by proving what he expected and referred to decades after his death.