? Who are the Kurds
? Who are the Kurds 1109
? Who are the Kurds
They are peoples whose presence is concentrated in the north of the Middle East along the Zagros and Taurus Mountains, specifically in southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria, northwestern Iran and northeastern Iraq, where these four Kurdish regions are known as Greater Kurdistan, and the presence of the Kurds extends to Armenia (47 thousand people).
? Who are the Kurds 266
Kurds are also present in large numbers in:
Other Arab countries such as Kuwait (71 thousand people), Lebanon (about 19 thousand people) and Jordan (5 thousand people).
And Asian countries such as Georgia (17 thousand people) and Russia (20 thousand people).
And European countries such as Germany (more than half a million), France (about 83 thousand people) and the Netherlands (72 thousand people).
Kurdish origin
? Who are the Kurds 6137
There have been many studies on the origin of the Kurds, but according to one of the theories most relied upon by historians, the theory of historian Muhammad Amin Zaki.
The origin of the Kurdish people is divided into two layers, the first is the nucleus of the Kurdish people and they are called, according to the historian, the peoples of the Zakros Mountains (they are Mitani, Kuti, Kurti, Guti, Judi, Kasai, Supari Khaldi Nairi Hory Lulu). These people have lived in Kurdistan since the beginning of history.
The second class is the Indo-European peoples, who migrated to the region in the tenth century BC (the Medes and the Kardukians), and mixed and married with the indigenous peoples to form the Kurdish people together.
kurdish language
? Who are the Kurds 786
The Kurds speak the Kurdish language and it is divided into several main dialects, including:
Kurmanji (the most widespread dialect): The dialect of the Kurds of Turkey and Syria is mainly in addition to being one of the dialects of the Kurds of Iraq and Iran.
Sorani: Kurdish dialect of Iraq and Iran.
Zazia: the Kurdish dialect of Turkey.
In addition to dialects such as Khurmani Kourani and Lori.
Kurdish Alphabet
? Who are the Kurds 951
The Kurds use two alphabets. The first is the alphabet of the Iranian peoples (such as Persian) and is currently used in Iraq and Iran. The second alphabet uses Latin letters (similar to Turkish) and is used by the Kurds of Turkey and Syria.
About history
Medea Empire:
One of the most famous independent Kurdish entities, it began in the middle of the sixth century BC and lasted for about fifty years, and this kingdom extended from Azerbaijan through Central Asia to Afghanistan today. They overthrew the Assyrians and then were overthrown by the Achaemenids.
Kingdom of Cordokh:
Another independent entity that appeared in 189 BC and lasted for 90 years, the Armenians overthrew them and ruled their region.
? Who are the Kurds 1046
A drawing of a Kurdish prince in an Italian book called Giro Mondo. Image from Wikipedia .
Mahabad Republic:
It is a republic that lasted for a short period and was the latest Kurdish entity that lasted for only 11 months. It was established by Judge Muhammad with the help of Mustafa Barzani in northwestern Iran in 1948.
In contemporary history, no independent entity was established for them after this, until the emergence of the independent Kurdistan Region in 1991 and the autonomous region stipulated in the new Iraqi constitution in 2005 as a federal entity within Iraq.
The beginning of this region dates back to a previous treaty stipulating its establishment since 1970 between the Kurds and the Iraqi government, but it was not subject to implementation until the beginning of the Iraqi uprising.
religious perceptions
? Who are the Kurds 11110
Zoroastrianism is the first religion of the Kurds, which some of them still adhere to, in addition to Yazidism, which some consider to be an offshoot of Zoroastrianism, while others consider it another different religion from the ancient religions of the Kurdish people.
Later, the Kurds embraced other religions, the most important of which is Islam, as the majority of the Kurds now embrace it with its various Sunni, Shiite, Alawi sects, and others. In addition to Christianity and Judaism in a smaller percentage, there are also significant numbers of non-religious people.
An overview of problems in modern history
? Who are the Kurds 1419
The Kurds were subjected to extensive campaigns of arrests, executions and assassinations in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq because of their insistence on adhering to the Kurdish identity and not accepting the policies of Arabization, Turkification and devotion. nationalities.
Different Kurdish aspirations:
One of these ancient aspirations is to build a united Greater Kurdistan with its four parts for many Kurdish people.
But there are also various other aspirations, such as obtaining autonomy for the Kurdish regions, even in the form of federal entities with the current states, or they may not exceed, among others, the recognition of identity and civil rights and the cessation of arbitrary methods against the people of this nationality.
A little about their culture
The Kurdish culture is rich in legends and popular stories, the most important of which is the legend of “Kawa Haddad”, which revolves around a commanding leader named Kawa who defeated an unjust king whose kingdom was cursed because of his wickedness, so the sun refused to shine on it. As a result of the curse, two snakes grew on his shoulders, and the only food for his snakes was the brains of children. This is one of the legends associated with Nowruz and the beginning of this holiday.
I also found romantic duets sung by the Kurds in their songs, and they wrote about them in literature and poetry such as Mamo, Zain, Siamand and Khaji.
Nowruz holiday:
? Who are the Kurds 1515
The most important Kurdish national holiday, which is considered the Kurdish New Year, is celebrated on the twenty-first night of March every year by lighting a big fire and celebrating around it, with the celebration continuing in different forms on that day.
One of the most important reasons for the status of this holiday in modern history is that it is considered a challenge, steadfastness and adherence to the Kurdish identity, as it was prevented in the various Kurdish parts by the ruling entities of the region, and the celebration on this day has always ended with arrests and many problems between the governments and the Kurdish people in the four parts.
the art:
? Who are the Kurds 1615
Music is one of the most important elements of Kurdish culture, as there is a great legacy of traditional songs and instruments, and the saz or bouzouq is one of the most important instruments used in Kurdish music.
Also, folk dances have a great place in addition to their important traditional role, as Kurdish fighters use them to raise morale and cohesion among them.
Traditional costume:
? Who are the Kurds 1713
The Kurdish people are still sticking to the traditional dress, which they often wear on various occasions, especially on Nowruz, and Kurdish grandmothers still wear it on a daily basis to this day.
? Who are the Kurds 1811
Women participate greatly in political and party aspects, and are considered equal to men even in combat positions, and their participation rate is high in the various Kurdish armies.
some kurdish celebrities
Artists: Khaled Taja, Abdul Rahman Al Rashi, Enour Dogan.
Among the politicians: Hosni Al-Zaim, Jalal Talabani, Masoud Barzani, Abdullah Ocalan.
From writers and poets: Salim Barakat, Jakar Khuwain, Ahmed Shawqi.
Religious figures: Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Al-Bouti.
Among the historical figures: Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi.
? Who are the Kurds 2315
A portrait of Saladin painted in 1568.
Some Kurdish names
Jane: A life.
Narmin: Softness.
Awaz: Angham.
for boys:
Azad: free.
Joan: The young man.
Shirzad: The Lion of Freedom.
