Recovery of 293 coins and a rare antique sword from the Numidian era following the arrest of traffickers in Algeria
Recovery of 293 coins and a rare antique sword from the Numidian era following the arrest of traffickers in Algeria 1405
The National Gendarmerie of Bani Suleiman, Algeria, recovered 293 ancient coins and a rare archaeological sword from the time of the Numidian Amazigh Kingdom (ⵉⵏⵓⵎⵉⴷⴻⵏ).
The investigation took several weeks, resulting in the arrest of 5 people, after having traced illegal activities of selling antiques on the Internet.
Recovery of 293 coins and a rare antique sword from the Numidian era following the arrest of traffickers in Algeria 1406
A statement from the national gendarmerie said the operation was part of the protection of the national historical material heritage, and that it had enabled investigators to dismantle a criminal network active in the trade of various artefacts.
Numidia (ⵉⵏⵓⵎⵉⴷⴻⵏ, 202 BC–40 BC, ) was an ancient Amazigh kingdom, located in what is now Algeria, part of Tunisia, and Libya , as well as extreme eastern Morocco in the Maghreb.
Numidia had for capital Cirta - ⵙⵉⵔⵜⴰ (the current city of Constantine). The heart of Numidia would be located in the current Constantinois, a plain bordered by Hodna, Kabylia and the Aurès.
Recovery of 293 coins and a rare antique sword from the Numidian era following the arrest of traffickers in Algeria 1405
The return of 293 coins and a rare ancient Numidian sword from antiquities smugglers in Algeria

Source: dzayerinfo