!Discovering a potentially habitable planet that you can live on for 3,158 years
!Discovering a potentially habitable planet that you can live on for 3,158 years 11225 
Scientists have discovered a planet 100 light years from Earth that is not likely to be habitable but will have a life expectancy of 3158 years.
Two planets orbiting the star TOI-4306 have been discovered by an international team of scientists led by astrophysicist Laetitia Delrez . The temperature of this star is half that of the Sun, and its size is 6.5 times smaller.
The inner planet LP 890-9b orbits the star in 2.7 days while the outer planet LP 890-9c takes about 8.5 days. The inner planet is too hot to hold liquid water but the outer planet is able to do so making it the habitable planet in between.
This second planet receives the same amount of stellar radiation that our Earth receives from the Sun, so there can be liquid water on its surface.
— Dr. Robert Wells of the University of Bern and the National Cancer Research Council.
!Discovering a potentially habitable planet that you can live on for 3,158 years 11226 
The first planet, called LP 890-9b or TOI-4306b, is about 30 percent larger than Earth and orbits its star in just 2.7 days. And because the current life expectancy of humans on Earth is about 73.5 years. This means that the life expectancy on TOI-4306b, which has a much shorter year due to its extremely short orbit, would be 9,943 years.
Seasons will pass on this planet in the blink of an eye. One minute it's snowing, the next day it's raining, then summer.
This planet was initially identified by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). TESS is out on a space mission dedicated to searching for exoplanets in nearby orbiting stars.
Researchers at the University of Liège used their ground-based SPECULOOS telescopes to confirm and characterize this planet, as well as to find any other planets TESS might have missed.
SPECULOOS telescopes are also equipped with high-sensitivity infrared cameras, so it is very easy for them to observe these types of stars with high accuracy. This is why they were also able to discover the other planet, called LP 890-9c, or SPECULOOS-2c.

This planet is about 40 percent larger than Earth and orbits in about 8.5 days. So if you lived on this planet, you could live 3,158 years.
This means that these planets are an ideal candidate for scientists to study and determine if there are any potential traces of life in their atmosphere. LP 890-9c is currently the second most preferred target for study by the James Webb Telescope, but so far nothing about its viability is certain.
