Meet the Thugs, the dark shadows of terror that have hung over India for centuries.
Meet the Thugs, the dark shadows of terror that have hung over India for centuries. 1149
for more than three whole centuries; Between the sixteenth century and the nineteenth century AD, travel in India was very frightening and unsafe at all, and every traveler at that time feared for his life and property in excess, and the source of all this fear and terror was a group of merciless thugs and bandits known as Thugs, Where many of these travelers disappeared under the cover of night and did not hear from them after that.
No one knows in detail what had happened to them, but their fear made them travel in groups and accompany each other throughout the journey, considering that strength and security were in great numbers, but they did not know that that was exactly what the tempters wanted them to do.
The zombies were a secret brotherhood that followed a secret ideological doctrine in which the goddess of death (Kali) was worshiped, and according to them, the goddess (Kali) did not wish them her mercy unless they punished her with the blood of their victims, and during all those centuries in which they continued to spread terror, few of them were able to offer sacrifices Humanity is for the goddess (Kali) more than the tyrant (Perham).
Meet the Thugs, the dark shadows of terror that have hung over India for centuries. 1150
The tyrants like (Behram) would gather in small groups that sat on the side of the road waiting for the convoys of travelers and travelers to come, and when the caravans arrived, they would tell the travelers on them that they were just like them, and they were asking to accompany them on their travels, after all the travelers were following the rule Strength in the census and from it any additional individual was welcome in the group.
The Tyrants would then travel with their victims for days, sometimes for months, during which they would gain their trust at a steady pace. Often other groups of the Overwhelmed would join the same caravan along the way, and when the Tyrants felt that their chances of striking and succeeding were great enough, they did not hesitate. A bit to eliminate everyone.
In small groups of three, the zombies would sneak between the tents of the sleeping travelers and roam in them at night. One of the three would hold the victim's arms while the other would fix her legs. Finally, the third would strangle her with a silk cloth. In one dark night, the zombies could kill hundreds of people. .
Meet the Thugs, the dark shadows of terror that have hung over India for centuries. 1151
Once all their victims were disposed of, the tyrants would then collect all the valuables available to them and then hide the corpses or dispose of them with great care and caution, and from it the great sacrifice was completed in the name of the goddess (Kali); Then the tyrants separate and each one goes his own way.
This was a pattern that repeated itself over and over again, and it was a dark shadow of terror that had fallen over India for centuries.
No one knows exactly how many people perished at the hands of zombies, but Behram's life - or at least what we know about her, which isn't much - was a good example that even a single madman can be so deadly.
It is likely that Behram was born sometime in the 1860s in northern India, and, like many of the tyrants, he may have been born into one of their groups, as this profession of murder was handed down from among them, though his Many of the features and aspects of his life remain unknown, but the only certain thing is that he excelled a lot in the life of the tyrant and mastered it to the utmost.
Behram was simply a talented thug, and his preferred method of killing was the piece of cloth he wore around his waist as a kind of belt, and inside was a heavy necklace, Behram would make that necklace around the victim's "Adam's apple" giving him great strangling power Make him spend her life in a few moments.
It is likely that he (Behram) had been a thug life for decades, but by the 1830s the golden age of thugs had begun to unravel and its end was imminent. This is under Commissioner William Henry Solomon.
Meet the Thugs, the dark shadows of terror that have hung over India for centuries. 1438
Zoologists worship the goddess Kali, the goddess of death.
William Henry used a classic tactic against these organized crime groups, granting some of them full amnesty and immunity in exchange for any valuable information on the rest, and with this divide and rule policy, tyrants lose faith in each other and no longer know whom to trust. They confide their secrets, and within a decade, a criminal organization that has been spreading terror and crime for centuries has been wiped out.
Behram himself, according to his testimony, had personally assassinated and killed about 150 people, and had participated in mass operations during which hundreds of others were killed, and if his testimony is true, that makes him one of the The deadliest serial killer in history.
However, it is not possible to be certain about the actual number of Behram's victims, because the stories and gossip about him conflicted, and among the contradictory stories were stories that he personally told.
As for the fate of (Behram) and what happened to him after that, the stories and narrations about him also differ; Some say that he was hanged, while others say that the British released him in exchange for his testimony and then simply disappeared.
It is difficult to know the true and true information about his entire story, as it, like the rest of the stories of tyrants in general, is marred by many distortions and imaginative additions.
Until the last of them, the tyrants always claimed that the killings they committed were more than necessary, as sacrifices were made to the goddess (Kali) in order to dissuade her from destroying the whole world.
But it should be noted here that it is unreasonable that their motives are purely religious, as a serial killer like (the greedy Behram) is sure that his greed was the first and greatest motive in all the killings and assassinations he committed throughout his life.