Scientists predict the time of the death of the sun and how the end of
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Scientists predict the time of the death of the sun and how the end of  1446
The sun will die.. This is a confirmed cosmic fact, both scientifically and according to scientists’ studies of stars and planets, as well as religiously because everything will die, but when and what is the method, this is what arouses the intense curiosity of scientists of different convictions and religions and their scientific curiosity as well.
Sure, we may not be alive when the sun's life date reaches the known time, but we certainly want to know what the end will look like, and according to sciencealert, studying similar stars and the way they develop can help us understand more about the universe, our place in it, and also the expected life of our sun.
If we don't understand our own body and the way it evolves, then how can we expect to realize so many things about the universe around us, says astronomer Olar Crevi of the Observatory de la Côte d'Azur in France.
It turns out that we now already know many details of what will happen in the future of our sun. Its temperature will continue to rise until the hydrogen completely ends and merges with the core or core of the sun, which in turn will begin the process of contraction and bring more hydrogen to form an envelope surrounding a high percentage of helium, and it is called This process burns the crust.

During the continuous hydrogen fusion processes in the core of the sun, its outer envelope will expand a lot until it reaches the orbit of Mars, which at that time will swallow the Earth completely, so that the sun will turn into a large red giant until the amount of hydrogen and helium runs out, causing an explosion that forms a planetary nebula, and the core collapses until it turns into a dwarf star White takes trillions of years to cool completely, and a planetary nebula is a term that expresses a glowing layer of ionized gas ejected by giant stars in the final stages of their lives.
In an attempt to determine the exact age of the Sun compared to other stars that have ended their lives, scientists have relied on the European Space Agency's Gaia Milky Way Mapping Project in an attempt to develop a more detailed timeline of the Sun's age based on factors such as chemical composition, temperature, and others.
Scientists confirm that the sun is now about 4.57 billion years old and that it will reach its peak temperature when it is 8 billion years old and turn into a red giant star at the age of 10 or 11 billion years.

According to these studies, scientists estimate the life expectancy on Earth at only one billion years, as the planet will not withstand the increasing temperature of the sun and the expansion of its mass, this is of course if humans do not cause something catastrophic to hasten the end or other earthly catastrophes occur that destroy life on the planet.