Five foods that can prevent blood clots
Five foods that can prevent blood clots 1050
Researchers have warned that foods that contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries may also expose the body to other diseases through inflammation. These can, over time, begin to interfere with the body's blood-clotting mechanisms and pave the way for blood to clot.
Blood clot and its causes
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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is characterized by a persistent blood clot that usually forms in the lower extremities. It becomes fatal if the clot breaks off and travels through the bloodstream. As with all cases, prevention is better than cure, especially for high-risk patients. It is best to avoid five foods that can interfere with the body's clotting mechanisms.
However, some foods can cause long-term inflammation that can lead to serious illness in the body.
This, in turn, may "prevent the blood from moving properly," or prevent its ability to clot, as a healthy body explains.
Essentially, it's the same foods that cause plaque buildup in blood vessels that can increase your risk of DVT.
Five foods that can prevent blood clots 10-10
Five foods that can prevent blood clots
Blood clot or thrombus
Inflammation from diet can lead to many diseases that interfere with blood clotting mechanisms.
Therefore, WebMD advises anyone wishing to reduce their risk of DVT to “stay away from”:
For intakes of red and processed meat and trans fats, some research has found that the risk is greater for women than for men.
This was the result of one study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, which explained: “For intakes of red and processed meat and trans fatty acids, no association was found in women.”
The link between sweeteners and disorders of cardiac metabolism was also explored in a study published in the Journal of Thrombolysis and Thrombolysis.
In their report, the authors wrote: “Several studies have shown that fructose increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by […] promoting atherosclerosis.
"Recently, a possible role for fructose in cardiovascular thrombosis has been suggested but with controversial results".
Five foods that can prevent blood clots 10-11
Five foods that can prevent blood clots
deep vein thrombosis
Blood Clots: The Dietary Supplement Associated with Blood Clotting
Some of the worst culprits are free fructose, which is notorious for dramatically raising blood pressure.
But these foods also increase blood sugar spikes, causing abnormalities in the clotting process.
In fact, research indicates that high glucose not only presents an opportunity for blood clots to form, but also reduces the body's ability to naturally dissolve these clots.
Processed foods work in a similar way due to their high salt content; By putting pressure on the heart, high-sodium diets can cause problems with how blood flows and clots.
Five foods that can prevent blood clots 10--10
Five foods that can prevent blood clots