Energy turns into matter thanks to a historical scientific breakthrough
A first experiment about an exchange between two forms of existence according to the relativity and quantum theories
Energy turns into matter thanks to a historical scientific breakthrough 1507
For decades, scientists have been trying to understand the emergence of matter from energy flows after the Big Bang moment (NASA)
"The mountain gave birth to a mouse." Let's modify the phrase a little. Let's say, "Two mountains of energy gave birth to matter, and we quickly add that this birth took place in the absence of any component of any physical substance !"
And by extension, this material absence confused even some specialized Western scientific sites, as the news recently reported by a group of public and scientific media sites, such as "MSN", "News NCR", "Headtopics" and others, revolves around the experience of Nahda. A scientific team at the University of Manchester was able to generate a substance from pure energy, as the team used two ultra-strong electromagnetic fields and created an interference between them that led to the birth of a substance, rather, material particles of the type from which the components that make the basic components of the atom and its nuclei were formed.
Likewise, the websites that circulated the news did not hesitate to show that the experiment constituted a huge scientific breakthrough. For the first time, humans can make themselves this exchange between energy and matter in the direction of the transformation of energy into matter. It is self-evident to recall that the transformation of matter into energy has been common since the dawn of human history. The development of human civilization required enormous strides before the concept of the exchange between energy and matter crystallized in modern physics, especially with Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum theory in physics that appeared at the hands of a group of scientists that included Max Planck, Irving Schrödinger, Julian Schwinger, Werner Heisenberg and others. [Einstein walked with them for a while, then deserted them].
what does that mean? Simply put, it includes all kinds of inescapable defects, that energy can also be transformed into matter, that is, there is a kind of equivalence and exchange between these two forms of existence.

This concept appeared more than seven decades ago, but as a theoretical scientific statement. With the crystallization of Big Bang and, of course, many other things, scientists are talking more confidently about the exchange of matter and energy. It has become common to say that this is happening in the vast universe, and it even happened at the birth of the universe at the moment of “Big Bang” , as the scientific opinion has taken that the moment of the “Big Bang” was accompanied by a huge flow of energy, which soon began to “cold”. Little by little, in conjunction with the transformation of energy into components, most notably matter and antimatter. [It is also common that matter collision with antimatter leads to the generation of a huge flow of energy].
Between Quantumism and Heidegger's Philosophy
In the "University of Manchester" experiment, which took place in January 2022 and was completed and reviewed and published this September, scientists worked on graphene. This material consists of honeycomb-like stacks of carbon atoms. Carbon is a very stable substance, which means that the impact on its atoms or nuclei requires the use of very strong energy fields.
In the context of a multidimensional scientific work on graphene, the University of Manchester team experimented with the interference between two ultra-strong electromagnetic fields. In a simplified technical description, this led to the emergence of a quantum electromagnetic field, which included particles of matter and antimatter , which are the basis for the formation of all types of matter in the entire universe we know.
By extension, some of them may like to evoke sayings from ancient philosophy such as "nothing comes from nothing, and nothing exists", when contemplating this unique scientific experiment. It has always been possible to ascertain that existing things do not cease to exist, but rather change, and that there may be an exchange between matter and energy, both of which are forms of existence.
Perhaps some people interested in philosophy laugh a little at the previous words, if they conjure up in their imagination the enormous irony that accompanied the sayings of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger about the question of existence. At the beginning of his famous book "Being and Time", there is a deep and bitter irony that philosophers, since the beginning of the great project of modernity, have taken existence as an axiom. Heidegger challenged them to return again to thinking about basic philosophy, and to investigate the question of what the human mind means when he talks about something, describing it as existing!

Source: websites