10surprising Facts About Dreams
 10surprising Facts About Dreams 11336
Dreams can be wonderful and exciting and may be terrifying, or strange, naive and incomprehensible.
If there is no clear scientific consensus about why we dream; We also still understand very little about the world of dreams, meaning it is clearer what exactly happens while we are dreaming.
Here are 10 facts that dream researchers and scientists have discovered that most people may not know:

1- Everyone dreams
There is no one who does not dream of women, men or infants, even those who deny that they do not dream. Researchers have found that a person dreams more than once at night, and each dream takes from 5 to 20 minutes, and during a person's life, the total that an individual lives within dreams, reaches six years of his life.
  2- Most of what you dream about you don't remember
As many as 95 percent of dreams are forgotten immediately upon awakening, and the question is why most of our dreams cannot be
? remembered
According to theories, the cerebral adaptation during sleep differs from that of waking hours, meaning that the change in the brain’s work during sleep does not allow it to operate the memory in the same way during wakefulness, which weakens the process of storing information and thus difficult to recall after awakening.
It was found by scanning the brains of newly awakened people, that the frontal lobe, which is mainly responsible for memory, is not active during sleep, in the stage of dreams.
3-Dreams are not all colorful
Even if 80 percent of dreams are in color, only a small percentage of people hold that they only dream in black and white. In experiments, dreamers were suddenly awakened and asked about the colors they saw from a color chart placed in front of them.
4- Men and women dream differently
The researchers found differences between the content of dreams in men and women, and a study showed that men have more violent dreams than women, and women's dreams are always longer, have many personalities and vary unlike men.
Regarding the characters that usually appear in dreams, men often dream of men - like them - twice as much as they dream of women, while women dream of the two sexes in an equal manner without one tyranny over the other.

5- Animals probably dream like us
Have you ever seen a dog wagging its tail or moving its legs while it slept?
In any case, even if it is difficult to confirm the issue of dreams in animals, the most correct opinion among scientists is that they dream just like us.
Animals, like humans, go through different stages of sleep, until they enter deep sleep. In a study about gorillas, they were taught sign language as a means of communication, and at a certain stage, the signals emitted by the gorilla during sleep gave evidence that it was dreaming.
6 - You can control your dreams
There is what is known as a pure dream, in which you feel that you are dreaming, and you know that you are still asleep and that you have not yet awakened. In this type of dream, the content can be controlled or directed.
We find that nearly half of the people live at least one of the pure dream experiences in their life, and there are those who are able to live in pure dreams to a frequent degree.
7- Negative feelings are predominant in dreams
For a period of more than 40 years, the scientist Calvin H. Hall has collected more than 50,000 university students' dreams, in what is known as the "dream bank". Hall died in 1985, while the results of his research became available in the nineties, when his student William Domhoff revealed them. Through it, it was found that various feelings appear in dreams, from joy and happiness to fear, but most of them are anxiety and negative feelings that prevailed in the world of dreams.
8- The blind also dream
While those who lose vision under the age of five do not have visual dreams in their old age, that is, their visual memory in the dream is zero, but they continue to dream, regardless of the issue of vision, the dreams of the blind are complex and vivid just like the sighted.
Instead of visual sensations, the dreams of the blind include information related to other senses such as hearing, taste, smell and touch.

9- You are paralyzed while dreaming
In the stage of deep sleep during which dreaming occurs, which is known as REM for short and is one of the five stages of sleep, the voluntary muscles of the body are completely paralyzed. And why? This stage is known as sleep relaxation, and this occurs by programming from the brain to protect the person from any behavior or movement while you are dreaming about what affects your external environment negatively, so that you transfer what you live in the dream to external actions that harm you or others. This happens because most motor neurons are disabled, preventing movement of the body.
Sometimes this state of relaxation or paralysis goes away after sleep for a period of up to ten minutes, what is known as “sleep paralysis.” Have you ever woken up from a bad dream to find that you are unable to move your limbs? Even if the experience seems frightening, experts advise not to panic, as it will only last minutes and be over before the muscles return to normal control.
Also, the issue of getting out of this state during the dream occurs with some, as they escape temporary paralysis and begin to move and delirium during sleep, perhaps exposing themselves and others to danger.
10- Dreams are universal
Even if our personal experiences often control dreams, researchers note that there are specific themes that are repeated among people of different cultures, for example, many people in the world always carry risks such as falling from high places, or being attacked or chased.
Recurring dreams include school events, freezing and immobility, arriving late, flying, and being naked in public.

Source: websites