The mystery of the planets surrounding the sun, drawn by the Sumerians 3500 BC
What is the mystery of the planets that surround the sun, which were
?! drawn by the Sumerians 3500 BC
The Sumerian civilization was a superior and advanced civilization, which in itself is a puzzle that we have not been able to understand until now. Everything started from them. History starts from Sumer. It was the first school that arose in Sumer, the first constitution of medicines, the first case of tax reduction, the first agricultural calendar, the first basin Ma’i, the first experience of planting shade trees and the first love song was also from Sumer, and other items of human civilizations that arose in Sumer.
Sumer is an ancient civilization that began in Mesopotamia in the southern region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (now Iraq).
Before the nineteenth century, no one had heard of the Sumerian civilization as if it had not been born, but in the year 1850 AD, everything changed when the English explorer and Assyriologist “Austin Henry” found the library of King “Ashur Banipal” by chance while searching for Babylonian and Assyrian antiquities in the ruins of the city of Nineveh. Northern Iraq, the library consists of thirty thousand pieces of clay tablets and the remains of written in Akkadian and Sumerian.
The Sumerian civilization woke up and revealed its wonders, where they found a plate that raised great confusion and astonishment, where there is an inscription on the upper left side of this plate that is the sun and around it eleven planets. As the ancient peoples, including the Sumerians, considered the sun and the moon to be planets, the twelfth planet is Nipro. Is it possible that the Sumerians were aware of the number of planets in the solar system and
!! heliocentrism by 4000 years BC
The mystery of the planets surrounding the sun, drawn by the Sumerians 3500 BC 1283 
Inscriptions of the solar system when the Sumerians
Zakaria Sitchin, who is considered one of the few scholars able to read and interpret the ancient Akkadian and Sumerian clay tablets, supposes that the Sumerians possessed very advanced astronomical knowledge and that this knowledge was given to them by their gods who came to Earth half a million years ago.
According to what was translated from the Sumerian tablets, the planet Nipro is the twelfth planet in the group of planets in the solar system at the Sumerians. The collision of one of the moons with the planet Tiamat, a planet located between Mars and Jupiter, led to the formation of the planet Earth, the asteroid belt and the Moon.
Admittedly, the Sumerian civilization was an exceptional civilization. No one has yet been able to understand the mystery of this civilization and the reasons for that progress and innovative thinking that distinguished the Sumerians. They thought that aliens and genetic modification were behind this superiority. Excellence, ambition and leadership.
The Sumerians invented the sexagesimal counting system, which is used until this moment in measuring time. The origin of sixty minutes in an hour and sixty seconds in a minute goes back to the civilizations of that region, in addition to their extensive knowledge of arithmetic operations and mathematical relationships. They were able to predict astronomical events such as eclipses, and they painted the stars in groups and divided the night sky into 12 parts and named them after the constellations that reached us later from Greek and Latin translations.
The Sumerian civilization established nearly 12 cities by the fourth millennium BC, a system called city-states, where each city contains a wall surrounding it, and in the middle is the "Zagora", a temple in the form of a stepped pyramid associated with the Sumerian religion.
The main city-states included Eridu, Nippur, Lagash, Kish and Ur, and the first real city was the city of Uruk. Of the population, between 40,000 and 80,000 people live within 6 miles of the defensive walls, making it probably the largest city in the ancient world. When human history was a blank page, the Sumerians inscribed the first word and developed the first writing system in the world, which is known as “cuneiform writing,” about 3400 BC. Then it dries to form clay tablets. Writing was used at first to record accounts and commercial transactions, but it soon developed into a complete writing system used to record history, laws, literature, poetry, and others, and they documented all their records on clay tablets.
 The mystery of the planets surrounding the sun, drawn by the Sumerians 3500 BC 1-39
Cuneiform writing
The Sumerians also excelled in hydraulic engineering, where they discovered how to collect and direct the floods of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and designed complex systems of aqueducts and dams whose gates could be opened and closed to regulate the flow of water. And they invented the rotating wheels that are used to make pottery.

Source: websites