The discovery of traces of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs in the soil samples of the moon
The discovery of traces of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs in the soil samples of the moon 1531
Planetary scientists have discovered in the lunar soil samples collected by the Chinese Chang'e-5 probe, tiny glass crystals whose age exactly coincides with the date of the collision of large asteroids with Earth.
Professor Alexander Nemchen of Curtin University in Australia points out that the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago is among them.
He says, “We have studied in detail how and when these tiny vitreous cysts were formed, which were found in lunar soil samples. And we discovered that the age of many of them coincided exactly with the collision of large asteroids with the Earth, including the one that caused the emergence of Chicxulub crater and the extinction of the dinosaurs.”
This discovery links the collision of asteroids with the Earth and the Moon. The professor and his scientific team divided these glass particles into groups according to their composition and age, and it was clear from her subsequent study, that the age of many of these particles exactly coincided with the formation of many of the largest impact craters on the Earth's surface.

And researchers believe, that these vitreous balls fell on the surface of the moon as a result of being thrown from the surface of the Earth. Or that similar asteroids collided with the Earth and the Moon. Both make their effects on the moon interesting and studied.

Source: websites