One of the old Amazigh games..Tagoura..or..the old Amazigh hockey
Tagoura..or..the old Amazigh hockey 1290 
Yes, when I first published this article in newspapers in your country, especially in the Agrao Amazigh newspaper, in the Tamazight newspaper, and also in Tawiza newspaper, and that was in 1997. I also decided to publish this article later in the electronic newspapers, and after the publication came several responses in North Africa, especially For the Berbers of Libya, Siwa, Egypt, Tunisia, and also for the Berbers of Algeria. Since that time, the university stadium in Algiers, the stadium Ghataf, asked me to formulate a single topic related to this ancient Amazigh game that preceded hockey and spread among the Berbers in North Africa, and I accepted the proposal. On this topic, we first ask about what is playing.. and what is the purpose of playing and what is its purpose.. who is this game.. and how do you play it.. and when do you play.. and at what time and place.... what is playing..
Thus, playing is a human instinct that arises with man from the moments of his first birth, and he acquires through it behavioral patterns that are reflected in the situations facing children in the coming stages of life. Also, play may be in the form of movement or action that is practiced individually or collectively, and exploits the body’s kinetic and mental energy, and is characterized by speed and lightness, and does not tire its owner, and aims only for enjoyment. Play is of two types: directed and undirected.
Directed play: It is provided with distinctive games within plans, programs and goals determined by adults and implemented by children.
Unguided play: It is the play that is a figment of the child’s imagination and creativity, based on his environment, such as the toys that come spontaneously from the child’s self. It may or may not be directed, as mentioned above.
Children do it for fun and entertainment, and adults usually use it to contribute to the development of their behaviour.
Play is life.
Play is an activity practiced by people individually and in groups with the intention of having fun.
It is the exploitation of the body's kinetic energy in the pleasure aspect of the individual, and playing does not take place without mental energy.
Play is unpredictable, its progress and results.
Subject to certain rules and laws or agreements or customs that go beyond the rules.
Imaginary or imaginary play.
It is characterized by speed and lightness.
Play is a free activity, not forced.
Play is independent and takes place within a specific time and place.
The owner does not get tired like work because it is linked to the individual's internal motives. Play can be categorized into three categories:
A game that has a spirit of competition or challenge directed at the opponent, whether it is the self or others, in a specific situation that assumes equal opportunities when starting.
A game based on chance or luck.
Playing illusion or pretend play.
The functions of play and its importance:
Play is a means of the individual's interaction with his environment.
Play is a means of individual development.
Play is a way to learn.
Play is a means of acquiring different patterns of behaviour.
Play is a way to develop different patterns of behaviour.
Playing helps separate learning for children.
Pretend play provides an opportunity for exploratory learning.
Provides opportunities for social interaction, thus keeping the child away from self-centeredness and selfishness.
Provides internal motivation for learning.
Helps adaptation and belonging, which is the basis of mental growth and development.
Brings the concepts of life closer to the child.
Play helps create interaction between the individual and his environment.
Play is an effective tool for dealing with the problem of individual differences.
Play is a taming tool for the development and development of the child's body.
Play is a pleasant and joyful activity, and it is considered a remedy for frustration situations because the child expresses his emotions.
Play meets the natural tendencies of children and provides them with opportunities for integrated development.
Play represents the community's way of providing opportunities to discover and nurture latent abilities.
This ancient Amazigh game takes several names.. Taqoura.. Taqurasht..or as it is also called.. the Aures Berbers in Algeria.. This game was played by the Berbers in North Africa as a whole, from Siwa in Egypt and Libya, and with the Amazighs of Tunisia as well. In Algeria and Morocco. According to researchers, this game preceded the so-called hockey, so what is this game.. and how to play it.. and who said that hockey is not an Amazigh game.
Amazigh hockey is called Taznakht Al-Kubra, Bataqora, and this word can be divided into two parts:
Tag..meaning the strike and ora meaning the crooked stick in the foreground, and Tagora is a very old game in Taznakht al-Kubra and it became extinct in the early eighties of the last century.
Yes, it is not a ball made of leather. Rather, it is a small piece of wood. It is a dangerous game and is hit with a curved stick in the foreground. But the question that must be asked here is how to play and when to play this popular game with you.
When the women are in the villages of the Great Taznacht on religious holidays such as Mawlid, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr.
The holiday in the Amazigh folk concept is tika, where all the women and men go down to a square that we call your prisoners, and the women are on one side and the males are on the other side of the street, and they play. The goal is the main doors of the square, and they are two doors, the first for women and the second for men.
But on the other hand, it is a dangerous game and only the brave can play it, and because it is made of wood, it is dangerous, but if a person is seriously injured, he does not have the right to protest because the agreed popular belief dictates that the injured should not protest and so says the popular proverb in this game.
Taqura tikka for the amounts of Yant Net Iran. That is, this game is a calamity and a curse for anyone who wants to enter its field.
Yes, you play the game, and if the females win over the males, then the males have nothing but to hold a light banquet in honor of these females, and this banquet takes place between the afternoon and the Maghrib or what we call the “ace.” Not only this, but there is a famous poem that we still remember that the women said in those days. The occasion is:
Habari and Anat Ishan and
Anat Ishan, Yes Papas
, Yes Papas, Ard Ayala ,
Ard Ayala, Iklin
. As for the men, if they win over the females, they chant
Eshkamd, come free to eat donkey.
Yes, it is a very old and popular game and it is now on the verge of extinction. It was played in the greater Taznakht districts. It was referred to by Mohamed Welkash as well as the well-known broadcaster in the Adwa Al-Janoub newspaper, where he said that this game was played in Bakadir before the earthquake, and it is called Bsous Taqouracht.
 Tagoura..or..the old Amazigh hockey 1---11
Amazigh researcher: Al-Hassan aaba
- References
- It is an old Berber game that was played in North Africa and also played in Taznakht
- "Roleplay Simulation for Teaching and Learning". Archived from the original on February 05, 2008.
- Crawford, Chris (2003). Chris Crawford on Game Design. New Riders. ISBN 0-88134-117-7 .
- "Was Wittgenstein Wrong About Games?". Nigel Warburton. 2007. Archived from the original on September 01, 2017. Retrieved June 28, 2013. External links at |Publisher= (help)