Scientists propose a surprising new theory of how the moon was formed
Scientists propose a surprising new theory of how the moon was formed 1536
Researchers have found unexpected information that can explain some unusual properties of the moon (Reuters)
A new theory has revealed that the moon was formed "immediately" after a giant collision that made it orbit around the Earth, according to the newspaper "The Independent".
The surprising theory is based on detailed simulations by powerful supercomputers, which indicated that the moon appeared almost immediately after something hit the Earth.
Additional details provided by the most powerful supercomputer simulations have allowed researchers to find unexpected information that could explain some of the moon's unusual properties.
Scientists propose a surprising new theory of how the moon was formed 1-32
It also suggests that "low-resolution" simulations used in the past may have left scientists wrong about our planet's history.
"This formation path could help explain the similarity in isotopic composition between lunar rocks brought back by Apollo astronauts and the Earth's mantle," said Vincent Ike of Britain's University of Durham.

"There may also be noticeable consequences for the thickness of the lunar crust, which will allow us to further determine the type of collision that occurred."

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