Voyager Gold Cylinder (full story)
Voyager Gold Cylinder (full story) 1298 
As you read these letters, there are two messages from humans roaming in space looking for someone to find them, one of them is more than 22 billion km away from us, and this distance is the maximum distance that a human-made thing has reached.
? What is the message? To whom is it directed
 Full story: Voyager Golden Disc
Here is just a small part of the message
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Voyager probe launched
In 1977, NASA decided to send two spacecraft in different directions, as part of a scientific program aimed at building a more accurate perception of space known as Voyager. The Voyager 2 spacecraft was determined for its exit from the solar system through Uranus and Neptune, while Voyager 1 was its path parallel to Jupiter and Saturn.
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Voyager flight
The scientists realized from the first moment that the results of their project and its completed goals may not be seen in their lives, as the journey of these two vehicles requires nearly five decades to reach its end, but despite that they were very convinced of the importance of their role so they proceeded in their plans without gaps and to the fullest
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Voyager website now
Today, the two vehicles stand at a distance of billions of kilometers outside our solar system between that dark matter that fills the universe, after both of them crossed bodies, planets, and moons and provided the control centers here on Earth with thousands of measurements and images, and with them many concepts about the universe have changed.
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A message to the universe from humans
Carl Sagan, the famous American astronomer, would not have left these two spacecraft to travel between the stars without his touch, as he transformed the matter from a mere mission of scientific dimensions to a more gentle and profound mission by including two identical messages in the hope that one day one of them will fall into the hands of an alien civilization
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interstellar dispatch
These two messages were thought of close to their launch dates, so NASA gave Sagan only six weeks to implement his idea, so that his team could choose the content of the message and make it a container or artificial shape that is resistant to space conditions and is indestructible.
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voyager gold cylinder
Sagan and his team led to the manufacture of a copper phonographic cylinder capable of recording sounds, and they were keen to paint it with gold, so that it would be rust-resistant.
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voyager cylinder design
The cylinder was designed with a diameter of 30 cm, and was allocated a space capable of storing data using analog signals, a method on which television used to broadcast its video materials in the past.
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Voyager Gold Cylinder (full story) 2-21 
Greeting people in all languages
As for the audio space, the work team was keen to include everything that would define a person, as it included salutations in 55 languages, and also included sounds from nature, as well as many diverse musical pieces, from all over the world.
(A small part of the greetings recording, including Arabic)
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US President's words
The audio recording included a number of words by famous personalities, including Jimmy Carter, then US President, where he said, "This is a gift from a small world, giving something of our voices, our information, our thoughts and our feelings. We are trying to survive on it, so we may live for some time and live with you."
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Information about planet earth
The set of pictures contained a wide range of scientific information about the Earth, its location and the position of the sun in relation to the stars. It also included a picture of various places in the world, as well as important physical and mathematical equations, as well as anatomical pictures of the human body.
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Pictures of human civilizations
As for the other images included in the painting, they were of a great deal of diversity, dispersing between humans in all their states, animals, birds and natural life forms, as well as human food and architecture, as well as images of the daily work that people practice.
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golden voyager plate
The two plates were installed on both Voyager 1 and 2, and they launched into space in 1977 on an endless mission with high hopes for knowledge, and only 18 months after launch; First time they sent very clear pictures of Jupiter and its clouds, the quality of the pictures from the onboard TV camera was superb.
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Interstellar Voyager Trend
The two vehicles continued to travel in different directions to add to humanity new knowledge about our solar system. After scientists were stable on restricting active volcanoes to our planet, one of the two vehicles recorded for the first time active volcanoes on one of the moons of Jupiter at a rate of 10 times times the Earth.
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Stunning photos from Voyager
A year later, Voyagra 1 provided new, sharp images for the first time of Saturn, and on its way discovered new moons of the planet, and its control center provided much information about the nature of Titan, as well as the nature of the formation of Saturn's rings, which later paved the way for greater discoveries through other space flights.
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Voyager left the solar system
In 2013, NASA announced that Voyagra 1 had already crossed the heliosphere, making it the historically first spacecraft to cross our solar system and enter interstellar space. Voyagra 2 achieved the same feat in 2018, due to its different paths.
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Voyager's power source
Both Voyagra vehicles contain nuclear power generators, with a production capacity of 1,440 watts in Voyager 1, but this time is decreasing every year by four percent, which means that communication with these vehicles will be lost one day, estimated in 2025.
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Voyager's power source
Both Voyagra vehicles contain nuclear power generators, with a production capacity of 1,440 watts in Voyager 1, but this time is decreasing every year by four percent, which means that communication with these vehicles will be lost one day, estimated in 2025.
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Scientists are trying to regulate the consumption of electrical energy on the surface of the two vehicles as little as possible, with the aim of keeping them in the interstellar space for longer than is believed, in the hope of launching an extensive network of radars capable of communicating with any sane cosmic civilization.
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Contact time between Voyager and Earth
For Fujira 1, its signal requires 4 to 18 hours to reach the ground, through giant antennas located in California, Madrid and the Australian city of Canberra, and its speed is 61,000 kilometers per hour.
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Voyager signal system
Soon we will look for a weak signal as usual from Fujira and we will not find it, because its energy will be exhausted, but it will continue to move at the same speed, and if it is destined to continue, it will reach after about 73 thousand years to the closest star to us, which is the “Centaur closest”, then he may not know. The universe for humans to exist!
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Source: websites