Stuck in her helicopter .. NASA is investigating a "foreign body" on Mars
Stuck in her helicopter .. NASA is investigating a "foreign body" on Mars 11354 
Media reports said that the US space agency "NASA" is investigating a "foreign object" stuck in its private helicopter on Mars.
And the British newspaper “The Sun” reported that experts noticed a “strange object” in the “Ingenuity” helicopter, which was launched by NASA to Mars earlier.
The mysterious object, dubbed "FOD" by NASA officials, was detected as soon as the small helicopter successfully completed its 33rd flight.
This helicopter was launched, in February 2021, to search for "signs of life" on the Red Planet.
And NASA stated: "All telemetry and searches do not show any clear indication ... the team is still working to determine the source of the object."
Experts suggested that the strange object was "the wreck of one of the robots that completed previous missions on the surface of Mars."

Source: websites