Scientists discover evidence of ocean formation in the Earth's interior
Scientists discover evidence of ocean formation in the Earth's interior 11368 
Studies and research into the subsoil and depths of the Earth are still ongoing to find out what is the secrets of this world and its multiple layers. Among what is happening from those studies and research came in a report by an international research team led by “Goethe University Frankfurt” in Germany, which was published in the journal “Nature Geoscience” in late September that there are A large ocean of water in the depths of the planet is located between the upper and lower mantles of the layers of our planet..
This confirms the theory that says that the Earth's water cycle includes its depths as well.
According to a report published in Scientific American, this study is expected to have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the Earth's water cycle, and how it evolved into the ocean world we know today over the past 4.5 billion years?
Scientists discover evidence of ocean formation in the Earth's interior 1-58 
This discovery comes after a rare diamond extracted from a mine in Botswana (Goethe University Frankfurt) was analyzed.
metal transformations
According to the press release from Goethe University Frankfurt, this large water has been discovered that can be about 6 times the amount of water in all the oceans of the Earth combined.
This discovery comes after an analysis of a rare diamond extracted from a mine in the African country of Botswana, and it is believed that it formed in the lower atmosphere of the earth and at a depth of 660 km below its surface, specifically in an area known as the transition zone (TZ) [The transition zone (TZ)]. , located at a depth of 410 to 660 km.
The transition zone is the boundary layer that separates the Earth's upper mantle from the lower mantle, where tremendous pressure leads to shifts in minerals in the depths of the Earth. Olive-green mineral, which makes up about 70% of the Earth's upper mantle, To “wadsleyite” at a distance of 520 km, then it turns into “Ringwoodite”, which is more dense and has features indicating that it is a water element in nature, and it forms only under high levels of pressure and temperatures in the Earth’s mantle. And it can hold water well.
According to a report by the Scientific American magazine, the diamonds analyzed by the scientific team from this region in the Earth's mantle contain the element ringodite, which indicates that it retains a quantity of water.
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Rangudite is a naturally aquatic element that forms under high levels of pressure and temperature (Joseph Smith - Websites)
ocean sediments
According to the statement of Goethe University, the dense minerals that transform in this region from the depths of the earth or are submerged in it, which are wadislite and rhinodite, unlike olivine, can store large amounts of water, and thus the transitional region is theoretically able to absorb a large amount of water. Water from the depths of the oceans, especially since most of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans.
"Embedded and metamorphic minerals also carry deep-sea sediments that have returned to the Earth's interior," says Professor Frank Brinker, from the Institute of Earth Sciences at Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Professor Brinker adds, "These sediments and metamorphic minerals can hold large amounts of water and carbon dioxide, but so far it has not been clear how much enters the transition zone in the form of more hydrated minerals and stable carbonates."
And Brinker continues, "In this study, we showed that the transition zone is not a dry sponge, but it contains large amounts of water, and this also brings us one step closer to the idea of ​​the French writer Jules Verne, the most prominent science fiction writer, who predicted the existence of a water ocean inside the Earth."
"This vast reservoir is likely to contain a large amount of sediments and water rocks of extraordinary sizes and at extraordinary pressures," he added.
On the other hand, the Goethe University report says that scientists had already suspected that the Earth's transition zone contained a lot of water after analyzing a similar diamond in 2014, but it was not then possible to accurately determine the chemical composition of the stone, because it was so small.

It is worth noting that great results were achieved for the study conducted by the research team from Goethe University, especially in determining the exact chemical composition of the elements in the transitional zone, and the detection of ringodeite in it in a large proportion.

Source: websites