Read a book: the Tuaregs return to revolt
Read a book: the Tuaregs return to revolt 1-42
Author: The Tuaregs return to revolt
Author: Al-Tabukti
Book: Small format, 80 pages
Release date: 2006
Cover photo: a photo of a person dressed as a Tuareg
The introduction to the pages is a gift and introduction from Abdullah Hitos, head of the Taminot organization
The Tuareg tribes of Imohagh: their reality, their origins, their homeland, their revolutions
The writer claims that talking about the inhabitants of the desert does not go beyond the framework according to which their civilization died out and was replaced by immigrant peoples, and there are those who are considered rebels who threaten stability of the region. This idea can be refuted by the author's evocation of historical sources, linguistic methods and their historical connotations.
Read a book: the Tuaregs return to revolt 1548
Tuareg bet 2006
The Tuareg issue is one of the issues that have been marginalized by the world because of the colonial policy that divided the Tuareg among several countries, and since then they have been struggling with totalitarian regimes and the cruelty of nature.
Tuareg movement and surrounding countries any relationship
Morocco and the Tuareg
The relationship between Morocco and the Tuareg is evident when the writer Ibrahim El-Koni won the Mohamed Zafzaf literary prize in Asilah in 2005. The relationship between the two parties dates back to the 1950s when Prince Tariq Al-Amnokal met the late Mohammed V., this prince and since he is installed in Morocco. Morocco also provided material support to the Tuareg in the training of military cadres. On the other hand, the Tuareg contributed to the withdrawal of recognition of the Polisario State in Mali.
The Tuareg and Algeria
The Tuaregs occupy three quarters of the region. Their region is rich in natural resources. It is also considered a tourist area with distinction, but despite this, the Tuaregs did not benefit from these privileges, which caused protests and rebellions against the Algerian state. , which reacted by displacing the population and kidnapping Tuareg militants, such as the kidnapping of the head of the association Tariq Ben Ziyad and the lawyer who was preparing a file on the effects of the French nuclear test in the fifties.
Tuareg and Mali
There have been a number of Tuareg uprisings against the central government, despite a set of agreements, but they have not been implemented, and that is what has caused the Tuareg to keep arms because c is the only guarantor to force the authority to implement its promises.
The Tuareg in Niger

The Tuareg scenario in Mali is repeated in Niger. The agreements were not respected, despite the appointment of personalities of Tuareg origin, which did not prevent clashes between the two camps, the last of which dates back to 2005. After that, an agreement was signed between the two parties under Libyan mediation, the conditions of which were the release of the Tuareg fighters, the issuance of a general amnesty and the granting of military ranks to the fighters in exchange for disarmament.
Tuareg and Libya
The Tuaregs of Libya received training in various fields and remained loyal to their Tuareg brethren in Mali and Niger.
Tuareg and Islamic groups
The Tuareg region was a far cry from the events the region has witnessed in its struggle with Islamic groups, and after the confrontation turned to the desert to target oil wells and foreign interests, countries still blamed the Tuareg. But the point that broke the camel's back and concretely demonstrated the lies of the central states was the kidnapping of 31 German tourists who were freed with the help of the Tuaregs.
historical roots
According to Timbukti, there is disagreement among scholars about the origin of the Tuareg, and this difference can be summed up in points:
The Tuaregs are of Garamante descent
Tuaregs are Amazighs
- Ibn Khaldun attributes the Tuareg to the Sanhaja tribe and says - This class of Sanhaja are the masked citizens of the desert behind the sand
Most historians claim that the Tuareg are of North African descent

Origin of the label
The author underlined that there is a difference on the naming of the Tuareg
- Because they struck in the desert and entered it
Related to Tariq bin Ziyad and his army
They left paganism and embraced Islam
- Relating to the name of a region, Wad Ouargha, which means fertile land
But despite this difference, most opinions confirm that they are a refined race and knights with a high degree of courage, in addition to this they are the first inhabitants of the Azawad region, and this is what which has been confirmed by historical material.
The Tuareg were famous for their headscarf, and there are those who interpret this as a religious interpretation or as a way to prevent storms or hide the face from the enemy.
Tamasheq Tuareg language
The Tuareg speak a language of origin, but Zighy is a means of initial expression and writing in its original letters, Tifinagh - drafting of contracts, registration of property... Tifnagh, whose existence dates back to more than 3000 BC. M
Tuareg and the distortion of history
The Tuareg have a distinct historical and cultural balance. Despite this, the researcher comes up against the scarcity of writings that relate to this people. Despite its wealth, there is a lack of historical attempts on the part of its owners, which has allowed some fraudsters to write the history of the Tuareg based on the ideology of the regimes in place without referring to what the ancient have dated and preserved since antiquity, and the model It is the Tikzirt Library. It is a Tuareg library written in Tifinagh letters, located in the region of Akadz, in which the traditions and customs of the names of the sultans and tribes were codified....and this library exists to this day.
Social classes
The Tuareg are made up of a group of tribes, with each tribe headed by the Amir Al-Aminokal, who is the overall ruler and his rule is hereditary.
Second, we find Aclid who governs and protects the interests of his tribe and imposes rules.
Knights: Their only job is warfare and guarding convoys.
Clerics: They have a respected position within the tribe, their mission is to teach Islamic law and lead the faithful.
Slaves and servants: they are prisoners of war.
The craftsmen: these are the craftsmen, some of whom are skilled in writing, and there are a few who have risen to the rank of emir, most of whom are Jews.
The family: made up of the chief of the tent, his wife and his wealthy children, including slaves, the woman plays an important role in the family or social environment.
Customs and traditions
Read a book: the Tuaregs return to revolt 1-43
Tuareg customs and traditions are no different from the people of Thamesga, their community is open. Young Tuaregs meet young women on occasion and outdoors, enjoying the songs and playing. The woman has the right to choose the husband, they have a special way of getting married, where the beginning of the journey of the young man and his friends and family to the bride's tent and sends two young men into the bride's family to approve the marriage.
economic life
Most Tuaregs are engaged in cattle herding, their main food being milk and meat, they are not very good at agriculture and hunting, as they are known for their trade.
The Tuaregs live in tents made of leather and thatch. They have a distinct oral tradition of poems and songs which deal with various subjects, war, love, the desert... They sing their poems on singing drums , the bag of a flute. Their focus is entertainment, and each session or occasion has its own poems.
knight composition
Formerly, the Tuaregs had no military organization, most of them being knights whose mission was to protect the tribes. The Tuareg child, as soon as he reaches the age of ten, devotes his time at art lessons. of war.
During the foreign invasion, there is a strong cohesion between the tribes, and this is what caused them to inflict defeats in the ranks of the invader, the model of France, and the Tuareg did not have been affected by France's policy in the region at all levels, but instead preserved their way of life and their identity, which is reflected in their refusal to teach French and to fight alongside them to extend their influence and their interests in the colonies.

Kidal Revolution
It started with the youth of Kidal in 1961 during the reign of President Modibokia, and quickly spread to other regions. intervention of neighboring countries at the military level they surrounded the revolution. , which resulted in collective punishment and massacres against the inhabitants of the region - killing livestock poisoning of displacement water wells....
After the coup led by Moussa Traoré, the violence against the Tuaregs ceased and a new policy approached the marginalization of the Tuareg area. In return, some of them became involved in political life. Despite the outbreak of famine and thirst, the central government provided no support or assistance to the people, but their rudeness went beyond trading in the suffering of the Tuareg in international forums. This is for the sole purpose of displacing the population.

Prepared by: Jamal Atouti

Source: websites