The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD
(Verily, when kings enter a town, they corrupt it and make the most honorable of its people humiliated, and this is what they do)  (34)
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1329 
These are shocking historical facts that tell the heinous crimes of the first beginnings of the attempt of the Moroccan Saadian state to occupy the southwestern Algerian , which is called the Touat region and includes several states, including Bashar, Adrar and Tindouf.   The name   Manahil al-Safa is from the 16th century AD and is considered the historian of the Moroccan Saadia state, which claims honorable lineage
 Which we will attach a link to the book to read and download at the end of this research
General reading brothers, some of the Arab nationalist pages of Al-Ayashiya follow the Moroccan Alawi Makhzen, which occupies the land of the Amazighs in the Far Maghreb. It has a basis of truth, but some people who are ignorant of God’s creation in history went to say that the region of Oran, Tlemcen and the Touat region, southwest of Algeria, are Moroccan Alawite lands only because the Sultan Al-Saadi tried to occupy it by force and weapons and committing crimes despite the resistance and rejection of its inhabitants in the 16th century AD.
While the historical truth says that the Mamluks that appeared in the Far Maghreb region did not exceed in its history from the northeast side the Moulouya River and from the south side the Draa River and the Sous Valley only after the expansionist invasions of the Saadian supervision state in the 16th century AD, which was for a short period and then those expansions declined crime, as we will explain later in this topic
Where the historian Marmol Karbakal, who is from the 16th century AD, reminds us that the borders of the Saadian Kingdom of Marrakesh from the south depend on the borders of the Serso River.
An excerpt from Marmol Karpakhal's book
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1-66
A picture of a map showing the borders of the Moroccan Saadian Kingdom from Google, according to what was confirmed by the traveler Marmol Karbakhal in the 16th century AD, a few years before the emergence of the Saadian state in Morocco.
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1-67
Historian Abu al-Qasim al-Zayani says, in The Arabized Interpreter, p. 11
The Alawi sultan of Zindani, called Moulay Muhammad al-Sharif, after he took control of the regions of southern Morocco, such as Draa and Sijilmassa, went to occupy a region that was affiliated to the Ottoman province of Algeria west of the Moulouya River, such as Beni Yazansen, Oujda and Tlemcen. He had to obey by force, and he continued looting those eastern regions of the present state of Algeria until the region of Laghouat, then he returned with his spoils to his city of Sijilmasa in the Far Maghreb.
book link
Picture quote from the book
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1--34 
Historian Abu al-Qasim al-Zayani says, in The Arabized Interpreter
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1--35
In this historical research on the crimes of the Moroccan Saadians who claim honorable lineage against the residents of western southern Algeria, we also mention that most of the inhabitants of the Far Maghreb, who are also our brothers in religion and in the common Berber origin, were also the first victims of the Saadian state and also the Alawite state until today for this The research does not detract from the free Amazigh Moroccan people, who we hope to see one day free and free to govern themselves and not be governed by Arabs who falsely claim that they are descendants of Ali and Fatima, may God be pleased with them.
It is to be recalled that the Alawite Arab Makhzen does not have a historical right to own the Amazigh country of the Far Maghreb, and it did not have any ownership of the southwestern region of the Algerian desert. This is why we say that the current Alawi occupation or the Saadian supervision before it is like the French, Ottoman, Umayyad and Roman occupations, so there is no good In the occupier of the land of the Amazigh, regardless of his race or religion, and we must expose them and get rid of them as soon as possible
Let us now return to the core of the subject, which is the myth of the eligibility of the Moroccan storehouse in the southwestern region of the Algerian desert. When you search in history and the original ancient references, such as the historian Abdelaziz Al-Fashtali in his book Manahil Al-Safa from the 16th century AD, and considered the historian of the Saadian state (he witnessed a witness from its people) you will not find Any control or political subordination of the so-called Bashar and Touat area, Adrar and Tindouf to the upper storehouse before its criminal invasion at the end of the 16th century AD, which the residents of the Touat area fiercely resisted and refused allegiance and subordination to the Moroccan warehouse, which made them subjected to the most horrific process of genocide and killing of adults, children and women The looting of money by the Moroccan Saadians
Whereas the Moroccan state historian Saadia, the Fashtali historian, documented for us in his book Manahil al-Safa about the genocide campaigns and the occupation of the Touat region, south of Algeria, and he mentioned to us in detail those crimes from which minds fly. Mercy and those who survived of the women were taken captive, then they demolished the homes and palaces and plundered the money and livestock, and thus they imposed on those who remained alive their oath of allegiance with the power of fire and the sword on the neck and the violation of the sanctity of women
Here are pages from Al-Fashtali's book. Look at how our people in the Touat region were exposed to crimes that the infidels may not have committed against the Muslims.
Pictures excerpted from the book. Read them carefully to see the extent of the bloody crimes committed by the Moroccan Saadians against the inhabitants of the Algerian southwest.
See pages 74
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1---25 
See pages 75
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1----11 
On page 76 of the same previous book, El-Fashtali says that the region of Touat (Tindouf, Adrar Bashar) belonged to the presidency of Sheikh Omar bin Mohammed bin Omar bin Abd al-Rahman, who is the brother of the Sultan of the Ouargla region in the southeast of Algeria, before it was invaded by the Moroccan Saadia state in the 20th century. 16 A.D. Al-Fashtali says that the military of the Moroccan Saadia state besieged Sheikh Omar Al-Tawati and imposed on him surrender and obedience to the Saadi king, who before that was terrified of the killing of his family and people
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 1---26
As for the rest of the inhabitants of the Touat region in the south-west of Algeria, or what the Festali historian calls them, the residents of Shatt al-Dhahra, these insisted on refusing to pledge allegiance to the Sultan al-Saadi and disobeying him.
Rather, the degree of resentment and hatred against the people of the Al-Tawat region in the Dharani coast, when they preferred to resist the Moroccan Saadi invasion, reached the point that the Moroccan Saadians, after their hands got tired and helped them from killing men, women and children, decided to demolish the homes and palaces on their inhabitants and bury them alive, as Al-Fashtali mentioned. And he stressed that most of the residents of Shatt al-Dhahra in Touat were exterminated
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2699 
The strange thing is that the followers of the Alawi Makhzen nowadays claim that the area of ​​Touat Bashar Tindouf and Adrar is the property of the Moroccan Makhzen, and they argue that around the 16th century AD, that is, at a time when Algeria was under control and Ottoman rule, they say that the Sultan of the Saadian Kingdom is the Moroccan Saadia state that preceded the state The present Alawites have subjected the region of Touat, which are the cities of Adrar, Bashar and Tindouf, to its authority, and its people have pledged allegiance to the Moroccan Saadians. On this basis, we see today the followers of the Alawi Makhzen, or what we call them Al-Ayachah, demanding the return of those lands that currently belong to Algeria. It occupied the land of Touat, which was not in one day belonging to the Saadians, who did not appear until the end of the 15th century AD, while Al-Fashtali, the historian of the Saadian state, says, as we previously indicated, that the Touat region was under the authority of Sheikh Omar, the brother of the Sultan of Ouargla, Algeria.
 And we remind Al-Ayashah, the followers of the Moroccan Makhzen, that the Saadians, the Alawites, the Filaliens, and even the Idrisids before them are all strangers to the Berber lands and came to us in later stages of history.
Dear reader, perhaps you are shocked by the extent of the crimes committed by honor pretenders in the Far Maghreb, but the researcher in history and in the Moroccan references Al-Ayachiya herself confirm these facts and that the Saadians and Alawites occupied the countries of the Far Maghreb and also occupied for a short period by force of fire, gunpowder and the sword the areas of southwest Algeria
We also add to you an important reference to see the crimes of the Moroccan Saadia state and its occupation of the southwestern region of Algeria, and the reference is
Muhammad al-Saghir al-Ifrani is sometimes pronounced al-Wafrani, al-Yafrani, or al-Yafrani, nicknamed al-Saghir (born about 1080 AH - 1666 AD). 
He is a Moroccan historian, writer and jurist . The first Nuzha book  with the news of the kings of the twenty-first century
The historian says that the region of Towat, before the establishment of the Saadian state, was not subject to any authority for a long time, and when the Sultan al-Saadi believed from fighting the Turks, he resolved to invade the country of Tuat and Takurarin and annex it to him by force. He sent them warnings and excuses to enter his state and pledge allegiance to him. Fight them and kill them
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2-28
Link to download the book for the French
 Through other references, we find all of the above documented, and that Sultan Sharif Al-Saadi in 1587 AD, during the Ottoman occupation of Algeria, took advantage of these circumstances and planned to invade and occupy the lands of Bashar, Tindouf, Adrar, and even the region of Mali and Mauritania within the framework of an expansion project under the pretext of the legitimacy of the honorable lineage to The Alawites or the so-called Alawi Zaidan propaganda in the Far Maghreb under the slogan of the caliphate in the Quraish
But what Moroccan Ayyach does not say is that the Touat region was before the criminal invasion of Askar El Ayachi in the 16th century AD, it belonged to Sheikh Omar, the brother of the Kingdom of Ouargla, which is part of Central Morocco, which now represents the state of Algeria, and each region of Touat has its political, economic and religious relations, mostly with the cities of Morocco The Middle East, which is currently Algeria, and this is evident in the book of Manahil al-Safi by the historian of the Saadian state, he says that the kings of the Bani Zayan state in Tlemcen, belonging to the Central Maghreb, resorted to the Touat region after being subjected to pressure and defeat from their enemies
The historian also mentions that the first campaigns of the Saadian Alawites took place in the southwestern region of the Algerian desert around 1552 AD, after Sultan Sharif Zaidan and his brother Al-Nasir, the sons of Sultan Ahmed Al-Araj, who was stripped by his brother Muhammad Al-Sheikh of the king and left for him the Sijilmasa region in southern Morocco, and from there his eyes went To expand his kingdom, he went to make invasions on that region from the southwest of Algeria, which failed after the resistance of the people of Touat and the defeat of the Alawites in the battle of Berken, and in the end he returned to the center of his state, the Moroccan city of Sijilmasa, after a military force sent by Bey Saleh, the ruler of Algeria, moved to the region
In the year 1557 AD, the region of Touat, southwest of Algeria, was subjected to a second invasion attempt by Muhammad Sheikh Al-Saadi Al-Alawi, and this campaign also failed to resist the residents of the region and their refusal to submit to the Alawi Sultan
The campaigns and attempts to invade the Saadian Alawites stopped until the year 1578 AD, after they ended the war with the Portuguese to devote themselves to the conquest of the Touat region, southwest of Algeria. To the Moroccan Sijilmasa after they received the news of the progress of the Ottoman-Algerian forces to repel their attack and at the request of the residents of the region
These facts that we mentioned that show the crimes and history of the Moroccan Saadian occupation of the Algerian southwest and the residents’ resistance to them and their refusal to pledge allegiance are witnessed by all historians, the first of them being the historians of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Where he mentions in the book of Sultan Sharif the religious and political roots of the Makhzen state in Morocco, produced by Mohamed Nabil Lamin from Mohammed V University in Morocco at Al-Aqsa.
He says starting from page 339 that the Alawi Sultan of Marrakech invaded the country of Touat and the southwest of the present state of Algeria in 1583 AD and that Sultan Sharif Ahmed Al-Mansour Al-Dhahabi is considered the founder of the real Alawi Makhzen, he prepared a military institution and fabricated a loyal political-military class.At the level of international relations, he adopted a flexible strategy that enabled him to take advantage of all the loopholes of the nascent world order to neutralize all the major powers, not only to preserve the independence of the Sultanate, but also to undertake an expansionist adventure to occupy areas in the Sahara Desert, west of southern Algeria, as well as the region of Western Sudan, Mali, Senegal and Mauritania After the Al-Marrakchi storehouse obtained firearms and modern military equipment, they attacked the lands and residents of southwestern Algeria, such as the Touat region in Adrar, Bashar and Tindouf. To impose allegiance on those who remained alive
As for those who did not accept the pledge of allegiance, such as the inhabitants of the Shatt al-Dhahrani region, they were all exterminated and their castles and villages were destroyed.
A picture of a map of the Alawite military expansions in the 16th century AD, west of southern Algeria and western Sudan, and with it a talk about the genocide of the inhabitants of Shaz al-Dhahrani in the southwest of Algeria after their refusal to submit to the Moroccan Sultan Saadi, page No. 342
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2-29 
book link
The previous reference also says that until 1557 AD, the region of Touat was not yet subject to the Far Maghreb or the Saadian state, and because of the emergence of the Ottoman Empire in the Far East of the Maghreb, it made the Saadians stop their ambitions to expand eastward towards Algeria and search for expansion south by force and the use of firearms to occupy the desert lands
The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2--15 
The Sharif Sultan, the religious and political roots of the Makhzen state
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2--16
Yes, it is a red historical stage with the blood of innocent Muslims from our brothers, the inhabitants of the Algerian southwest, and a very painful stage in the history of Muslim West Africa. Here are some of its events that followers of the Moroccan store do not tell you
The news of the abundance of gold in what was called Western Sudan was stirring the saliva of the sultans of Marrakesh and inflamed their ambitions, so they prepared for it the looting campaigns that started since 1581 AD during the reign of the Golden Sultan (nicknamed so for his passion for gold) with surveys and then sent a military campaign in 1589 AD, its language was Spanish because most of its soldiers were Christians . Those campaigns ended with the demise of the Muslim Songhai state and the civilization of Gao and Timbuktu after the Spanish leader called "Ibn Zarkoun" beheaded scholars and masters by order of the Sultan of Marrakesh, women were raped, and notables were killed.
We quote a testimony from the historian of the Makhzen himself, Ahmed bin Khalid Al-Nasiri in Kitab Al-Istiqsa, when he says:
And when the end of the day was the wind of victory, the blacks were defeated, and they were folded by the righteous and the righteousness of the righteous, and it was ruled in their necks, swords of Garam and his soldiers  until the blacks were calling for a Muslim who is a Muslim in the
A link to directly view the book of the investigation by Nazareth Al-Salawi
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2---11
The two leaders mentioned, Jather, and Ibn Zarqun, who led the Marrakesh campaign against Western Sudan, are Christians who were brought up in Spanish Catholic families from Granada. See the book of Al-Fashtali, the historian of the Saadian state.
 For a reminder, only a few years after the Saadian invasion of the Touat region, Sultan Al-Mansur Al-Saadi died after he fell ill with a plague epidemic, and the Kingdom of Marrakesh entered into great chaos and fighting between the sons of Sultan Al-Saadi Muhammad Al-Sheikh, Abu Faris and Zaidan, which led to the fall and extinction of the Saadian state in 1650 AD.
 At the hands of another Moroccan state called the Alawite state, whose owners claim that they are descendants of the Alawites
But before we conclude the topic for you, let us go back a little to the myth of honorable lineage of the Saadian family, in addition to the previous references that showed their bloody crimes against the inhabitants of the Far Maghreb and the residents of northwestern and southern Algeria, which we previously explained under the slogan of honorable lineage.
Let's discover together that the Saadian family had nothing to do with honor or with the Islamic religion, and this is according to the testimony of historians from the Far Maghreb.
For example, the stories of immorality and open disbelief that characterized the Caliph Muhammad Sheikh Ibn Sultan Ahmed Al-Mansur 
Muhammad the Sheikh, who is called Sharif, imagining that he loved males and drank wine during the day and during the days of Ramadan, and even the insolence reached him that he lived with the wives of his grandfather, the Saraya (the slaves).
In this regard, we cite once again the books of the historians of the Maghreb, and we present to you the book of inquiry by the historian Al-Salawi Al-Nasiri.
The book is printed in Rabat
In this book, Ahmed Al-Nasiri says about the Caliph Muhammad Sheikh Al-Saadi in a paragraph
Crown Prince Muhammad Al-Sheikh Al-Mamoun’s attack on his father Al-Mansour, and what is related to it
Muhammad al-Sheikh al-Saadi, the son of Sultan al-Saadi, was a malicious sorcerer, fond of tampering with boys, addicted to alcohol and a bloodthirsty.
He was indifferent to the matters of religion such as prayer and its conditions, and when his corruption became apparent to the people and the people became jealous, his father’s minister, the leader Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Al-Sufyani, forbade him from his bad deed.
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2---10
A link to see the paragraph in the book of inquiry for the Nazarene
The strange thing in our time is that some of the followers of the Alaoui Arabist Makhzen, the enemies of the glorious Amazigh history, sanctify the kings of the Saadian state, who claim that they are from the Alawite nobility, while they practice the most despicable evils and have nothing to do with honor. Their argument in this is that it is an area that was occupied by the Saadians in the 16th century A.D. For the owners of this crooked Ayachi logic, France also has the right in the future to return and own the lands of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, because it had previously occupied these lands and imposed by force on its inhabitants dependency and the English have the right to return to occupy Egypt and the East The Middle East because they occupied it before and according to this Ayachi logic, the Muslims, especially the Berbers of the Great Maghreb, have the right to occupy and own the state of Spain and Portugal, because in the 7th century AD, their ancestors occupied The country of Andalusia, dear reader, is this not the so-called intellectual waste, or in short the Arab mind of the Moroccan living?
As previously mentioned, the Saadian Moroccan invasions on the areas of northwestern Algeria or the southwestern Algerian region were nothing but criminal invasions characterized by looting, killing and captivity of the inhabitants of the region. that
Map of the Dutchman Johann Johnson of the Netherlands for the year 1650 AD
Map of the Kingdom of Algiers by: Jan Janussarius, Dutch Navigator and Cartographer, 1650.
Direct link to view the map details and enlarge it
They did not have good luck. There is no subordination of the southwest of Algeria to the Kingdom of Marrakesh or the Kingdom of Fez. In the year 1650 AD, the Moulouya River remained the boundary between the Maghreb region and the Kingdom of Algeria.
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2----10
This is an additional link from a Dutch website to the Dutch map of Johann Johnson for the year 1655 AD, which shows the borders of the Kingdom of Marrakesh and the Kingdom of Fez
or from the following link
Here is also a map of Samuel Dunn from 1794 AD, a few years before the French occupation of Algeria
Map of the Kingdom of Algiers by: Samuel Dunn, British mathematician, 1794.
 The crimes of the Moroccan occupation of the Touat region in the southwest of Algeria at the beginning of the 16th century AD 2----11
