A black hole violates scientists' expectations and escapes material from its grip
What the scientists' eyes saw shocked them
A black hole violates scientists' expectations and escapes material from its grip 1558
Black holes continue to challenge scientific assumptions about them (Pixabay.com)
Astronomers announced that they have detected a black hole expelling space matter in a way that has not been seen before. [It is worth noting that black holes are points that have a tremendous gravitational force, so it is assumed that nothing comes out of them. But scientists noticed the exit of a kind of energy, as well as the intense heat generates a kind of rays around it].
These strange space accidents began in 2018, when scientists saw a black hole tearing apart a young star about 665 million light years from Earth.
[Because of their immense gravitational force, black holes tear apart stars that approach them, and then devour them.]
This amazing and violent behavior has been a fairly routine occurrence for scientists who study black holes, because they usually tear apart other nearby space objects, so they do not pay special attention to the black hole.
On the other hand, the scientists were shocked when they discovered that after three years, the black hole itself moved and expelled that material out. It was also found that, unusually, he did not swallow anything new.
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Yvette Sindez, the lead researcher on a new study, addresses this strange black hole, noting that this astronomical event " has taken us completely by surprise. No one has ever seen anything like it."
Scientists believe that space matter appears to have been delayed in leaving the black hole. They still don't know the reason behind the delay in this process, but they hope to conduct additional research in order to better understand the dramatic patterns that black holes follow in devouring astronomical objects and matter.
To complement, researchers have observed the strange behavior of that black hole in 2021, using the Very Large Array Telescope in New Mexico. Unusual astronomical readings indicated that the black hole appears to be moving again suddenly.
In a next step, a team of international astronomers set out to clarify what is happening in that black hole. The surprise prompted them to apply for the urgent use of a variety of telescopes in order to understand the nature of this astronomical event.
While collecting the information, the scientists found that the frequency of the radio waves emitted from that event was interesting. As that black hole remained silent, it did not emit any radio signals for three years, and then resumed its activity, with flows of energy associated with radio waves, estimated to be among the strongest that scientists have observed in this type of radioactive flows, at all.
Moreover, the matter that came out of the black hole is moving faster than usual. They travel in space at up to half the speed of light , compared to the 10 percent of the speed of light recorded by the majority of this type of space accident.
Scientists will now be looking to better understand that black hole and its behavior, as well as to find out if black holes always behave this way, but scientists have missed opportunities to observe events like this. On the other hand, the aforementioned event [the entry of a torn star into a black hole and its material exit from it] may be a truly unusual example, as it seems.

Posted in The Independent on 14 October 2022

Source: websites