The position of “Tada Tamgrebet” regarding the presence of the Amazigh language in the draft budget 2023
 The position of “Tada Tamgrebet” regarding the presence of the Amazigh language in the draft budget 2023 11444
The Tamghribit bloc of citizenship gatherings, known for its acronym “Tada Tamgerbet”, sent to the heads of the parliamentary groups, a memorandum regarding the attendance of the Amazigh demarcation workshops in the draft finance law for the year 2023. This memorandum comes in the context of tracking and evaluating the Tadha Tamghribit of public policies related to the Amazigh file, in which the Tamghribit bloc has established The faults and miscalculations in the handling of the draft finance law with the Amazigh file, and through which the Tamaghribet bloc reviewed its observations and suggestions related to workshops to activate the official character of the Amazigh. (Details below):
A memorandum regarding attendance at workshops to demarcate Amazigh in the draft finance law for the year 2023
To the heads of parliamentary groups and union representatives
Following on his approach in tracking and evaluating public policies related to workshops to activate the official character of Tamazight, and taking into account the strategic nature of these workshops, which was launched by His Majesty the King in 2001, and was reinforced by the demarcation of Tamazight in 2011, he sees the Tamghribit Bloc of Citizenship Meetings, known for the acronym “Tada Tamgrebit” It is his duty to present his observations and suggestions regarding the proposed measures in the Finance Bill of 2023 related to Amazigh workshops:
 The position of “Tada Tamgrebet” regarding the presence of the Amazigh language in the draft budget 2023 11445
The talk of the Finance Bill about defining the official character and not about activating the official character of Tamazight, gives a false impression about the level of progress in the Amazigh demarcation workshops, as it is only possible to devote, consolidate and install what is effective and existing, and the case is that the activation train has not yet been put on its tracks.
The draft finance law departed from the provisions of Article 5 of the Constitution, which explicitly states that: “An organic law defines the stages of activating the official character of Amazigh, and the modalities of its inclusion in the field of education and in priority areas of public life.” The incorporation of Tamazight into education fell into the penultimate paragraph of page 125 of the Finance Bill, and it moved to the third place on the level of priorities (p. 12).
Proceeding from what was mentioned, we conclude that what was stated in the Finance Bill strikes to the core the pivotal role assigned by the constitutional legislator to integrate Amazigh language into education. The integration of Tamazight into the educational system and the generalization of its teaching vertically and horizontally is the basis on which the demarcation of Tamazight is based, without which it will not exist for this demarcation.
The Finance Bill (p. 12) indicates that the government will: “establish the official character of Amazigh by activating the roadmap that includes 25 measures…”. Here, the question arises, to what extent does the government comply with the requirements of Organic Law 16-26? And the question of the outcome of the integrated government plan to activate the official character of Amazigh, which was approved by the previous government in April of the year 2021? Was it compensated by the roadmap of twenty-five measures? Or will the government reconsider, update and improve its contents, as evidenced by a statement by the Prime Minister on January ?13, 2022
The government proposes to change the account dedicated to private matters called the “Public Administration Modernization Fund” to enable it to bear the operations associated with the use of Tamazight (see p. 167). Here the question arises of the fate of the fund that the government promised to create; Fund for funding workshops to activate the official character of Tamazight, which will promote linguistic and cultural justice, as stated in the government program. What prevents the government from creating the fund it promised as long as it will inject into the Administration Modernization Fund the same financial resources originally allocated to the Fund for Activating the Official Character of ?Amazigh
What is the fate of the National Consultative Committee and the regional advisory committees that the government promised to create as a mechanism to enhance the governance of the fund, as long as the government seems to have chosen another financial mechanism to finance the Amazigh workshops other than the one it committed to in its ?government program
Adherence to what was stated in the Constitution and in Organic Law No. 16-26 related to determining the stages of activating the official character of Amazigh and the modalities of its inclusion in the field of education and in the priority areas of public life. Departing from this frame of reference will put a brake on the Amazigh workshops at best, or it will wreck the gains that have been rewarded at the worst.
Adherence to the pivotal role played by the workshops for integrating Amazigh into the educational system in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, and working to adhere to the relevant deadlines set by Organic Law No. 16-26, and in this context we propose the following:
The need to develop a sectoral work plan for the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, including the modalities and stages of integrating Amazigh, in line with the requirements of Organic Law 16.26, and taking into account the dates and deadlines stipulated in Articles 31 and 32;
Horizontal and vertical generalization of the teaching of the Tamazight language, by activating the contents of the ministerial memorandum 952/12, which stipulates accelerating the process of integrating Tamazight into primary education and considering the Tamazight language teacher a permanent resource in the permanent structure of the educational institution or the regional directorate, and establishing and establishing experienced people in teaching this subject since its incorporation in the educational system in 2003, with an increase in the number of jobs related to specialization in teaching Amazigh;
Updating the legal and legislative arsenal regulating the teaching of the Amazigh language with its current status (an official language in the Moroccan constitution and the requirements of Organic Law 16-26 as a frame of reference).
Translating the contents of Articles 31 and 32 of Framework Law No. 17.51 ​​related to the education, training and scientific research system issued on August 28, 2019 into a specific draft of the stages, measures, procedures, responsibilities, and the allocated financial cost, similar to the other requirements stipulated in the Framework Law;
Creating administrative structures at the level of the ministry, regional academies and regional directorates, for an effective and efficient management of the Tamazight teaching file, activating its official character and the boldness of the sectoral work plan, and providing it with the necessary human and financial resources to facilitate its work centrally, regionally and regionally.
Reconsider the status of Amazigh in the media in accordance with its status as an official language, and in respect of the requirements of Organic Law No. 16-26.
Improving the integrated government plan to activate the official character of Amazigh, and activating it in order to avoid wasting more political time, especially since every day wasted brings Amazigh closer to the guillotine of extinction.
Creation of a fund to activate the official character of Amazigh, the National Consultative Committee and the regional committees to activate the government's commitments in this regard.
In conclusion, we affirm that the representatives of the nation bear the responsibility of giving the constitutional affirmation that Amazigh is a common asset for all Moroccans, without exception with its practical, political and legal meaning.
We also stress that it is difficult to predict the repercussions and consequences of the extinction of Amazigh on our country, our social fabric and our national capital. Unfortunately, Tamazight is a language in danger of extinction, due to the decline in the number of speakers, the semi-freezing of its legal status, and its weak presence in education, media and other aspects of public life.
Tamghribit Bloc for Citizenship Meetings: