A retaliatory blow from King Ashurbanipal
 A retaliatory blow from King Ashurbanipal 1-32
King Ashurbanipal dealt a retaliatory blow against the Elamite Empire because of the abuses and violations committed by this eastern neighbor in Mesopotamia over the centuries. He said:
"I, the great Ashurbanipal, invaded Susa, the great holy city, the abode of their gods, and the source of their secrets. I entered its palaces, and opened its treasuries, where silver, gold, commodities, and riches were collected... the treasures of Sumer, Akkad, and Babylonia, which were plundered by the kings of ancient Elam and carried away to their country." I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa and smashed its shining brass horns and turned the temples of Elam and their gods into nothing. I dug up the tombs of their ancient and modern kings and exposed them to the sun, and carried their bones away to the land of Assyria. I destroyed the provinces of Elam and sprinkled salt on their lands."
We notice the rising flame and the flames rising from the city walls, and the Assyrian soldiers smashing those walls with heavy hammers. Below this mural, the Assyrian soldiers triumphantly carry the spoils of war away from the destroyed city.
The mural is kept in the Louvre Museum, Paris.
(Translated by Al-Adman Ishtar Iraq and translation rights reserved for Babylon page, Gate of the Gods)
