Algeria.. The National Cultural Festival of Amazigh Theater is a date for creativity and a space for the promotion of Amazigh-speaking theater
Algeria.. The National Cultural Festival of Amazigh Theater is a date for creativity and a space for the promotion of Amazigh-speaking theater 11468 
The National Cultural Festival of Amazigh Theater, which has been hosted by the city of Batna from November 4 until the ninth of this month, is a date for creativity and a space for the promotion of Amazigh-speaking theatre, artists and practitioners of the father of arts confirmed on Sunday to APS.
According to the same source, since its launch in 2009, the National Cultural Festival of Amazigh Theater has been giving way to all theater practitioners, whether they are amateurs or professionals, to present their works in various Amazigh variables with all the customs, traditions and cultural heritage that they entail, according to these artists.
Algeria.. The National Cultural Festival of Amazigh Theater is a date for creativity and a space for the promotion of Amazigh-speaking theater 1-110 
They added that it is an opportunity that will enable the recipient of the fourth art lovers to get acquainted with the cultural momentum that abounds in Algeria and then promote it to serve culture and domestic tourism as well as development.
For the president of the association “Machahou Afarhounen” from the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, Zain Rahmouni, the festival gave a strong impetus to the Amazigh-speaking theater and expanded the circle of those interested in it. In this context, it revived artistic production and encouraged practitioners to compete in order to present the best.
The demonstration is important, according to Mr. Rahmouni, from its reliance on the various Amazigh variables in the presentations presented, with all their richness, linguistic diversity and texts with artistic aesthetics derived from the cultural heritage of each region.
For his part, the artist and theatrical actor Seif Al-Islam Tolmit from the state of Batna believes that the festival worked to bring the wide audience closer to the stage.
As for the artist, Said Hamdoush, from the “Thagherma” association, from Akbou, in the wilaya of Bejaia, he referred to the joyful atmosphere that this artistic space provides for theater practitioners, including actors, directors and scriptwriters, for rapprochement and the exchange of experiences, each in his field, to allow the best from year to year.
Despite its absence in the 12th edition of the festival due to a lack of the festival’s budget, according to the organizers, the head of the “Imola” theater group from the Tagit Nazger Association from Djanet, Raouf El-Eid, praised the role played by the training workshops that the festival relied on since its first edition in preparing and refining the talents of the festival. Elements of several teams abyss.
The festival was and still is, according to Mr. Eid, “an important date for us as theater practitioners in the Amazigh language, both in terms of contact with the rest of the other theater groups or in terms of contributing to the promotion of the Amazigh-speaking theater.”
The festival's governor, Salim Sahali, did not hide that one of the goals of this cultural event is to create at least a standard language on the stage in which the various Amazigh variables meet, in addition to promoting the Amazigh-speaking cultural act.
And the association “Machahou Ifrahounen” from the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou had previously experienced this experience in 2016, which members of the association described as “fun” through the play “Laughter in Hell”, which was crowned with the award for the best integrated performance, as it combined the Amazigh variables.
The festival remains, according to the participants, in addition to the theatrical movement in Algeria and culture in general, and it requires support and work to provide ways for its success and continuity. According to the Algerian News Agency.

Source: websites