The song “Tamazert” is a group called Ezmaun in the service of the national cause
The song “Tamazert” is a group called Ezmaun in the service of the national cause 1608
After a busy artistic march, in the purposeful and committed Amazigh song, and raising a group of societal issues such as the argan tree, and on the occasion of the Green March, we shed light on the Ezmaoun group, which was always present on such occasions through its second song, on the first national issue of Morocco, under The title "Tamazert", which I brought into existence last year, is from the words of the poet Abd al-Rahman Wad al-Rahma, whose poems were sung by a group of Amazigh singing groups.
The song “Tamazert” deals with the national issue and under which the Moroccan group defends the interests of Morocco, as the Ezmaoun group had previously sung about the achievements of the Green March in its artistic beginnings in the seventies.
The song “Tamazert” is a group called Ezmaun in the service of the national cause 1-71
The Arab artists Boujbara, Bushti Azner, Ahmed Najam, Habib Al-Salihi, Hassan Al-Azraq and Abdullah Fakmi participated in the performance of the song “Tamazert” for the group “Ezmaoun”, in addition to employing a new female voice that gave the song another character without departing from the group’s lyrical style. Ezmaoun, the participation of the artist Fatima Zahra Rais in the song Tamazert, in addition to her being a practicing artist for theater and singing, will re-discuss the issue of the absence of the female voice in the Amazigh singing groups in Morocco.
The “Ezmaun” group is one of the distinguished singing groups that the Souss region gave birth to in the field of musical groups.
The spark of the “Azmaoun” group started from the neighborhood of Crown Prince Achash in the city of Agadir in 1973, and although it sang in its beginnings the songs of Nass El Ghiwane and Gil Jilala, it became a presence in the art scene and was able to include among its ranks a group of names that formed them and gave birth to the artistic group “Laqdam” Which was previously called "Ait Lahna" group.
The song “Tamazert” is a group called Ezmaun in the service of the national cause 1-72
The lyrical group “Azmaoun” emerged thanks to a group of artistic names that were jealous of the artistic and musical field. Bushti Azner, Abd al-Rahim Hashom, Ali al-Khodari, Habib al-Salihi, Najam Ahmed and Omar in the name of God.
It is reported that the first songs of the group were recorded on the regional radio of Agadir in 1974, and they released their first album in 1979, a year later, the second and third albums were released in 1983, and the group's productions stopped due to special circumstances until 1997 when it released its fourth and last album.

In addition, the lyrical group had previously participated in a number of concerts and art festivals, and also won the prize of the Popular Arts Festival in Agadir. .
The “Azmaoun” group was honored by the national radio department, Tashelhit department, in 2019.
