10Unfamiliar Information About Apollo 11's Moon Landing Flight
10Unfamiliar Information About Apollo 11's Moon Landing Flight 1401 
It seems like only a day has passed since Neil Armstrong famously said “One small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.” But in fact, it has been four decades since famous astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their first steps on the surface of the moon on July 21 1969. Here is some strange information about the Apollo 11 mission to the moon:
1.                  Astronaut Armstrong does not appear in many photographs taken on the surface of the moon — Source
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Astronaut: Buzz Aldrin - Photo: NASA
All known photographs of the Apollo 11 flight show astronaut Buzz Aldrin, not Neil Armstrong, on that flight as the principal photographer on the moon. The only photograph in which Armstrong appeared on the moon was likely taken by mistake.
2. Astronauts Aldrin and Armstrong weren't alone on that flight — Source
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From right to left, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong - Photo: NASA
The crew of the Apollo 11 flight consisted of three astronauts, but the third astronaut; Michael Collins, did not land on the moon, but remained orbiting the moon while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon and collecting rock samples from its soil.
3. Many videos taken during the flight have disappeared — Source
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Although NASA's idea was clever to send a human to the moon's surface; However, it was not able to recover all the videos that were filmed during the landing on the moon. It is reported that about ten tapes were completely lost, but the video that recorded Armstrong's footsteps on the moon survived from the original tape that was shown on the main screen.
4. Astronauts oversleep — Source
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Astronaut: Buzz Aldrin - Photo: NASA
Although the daily regime was strict on the surface of the moon, astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin preferred to complete the mission to walk on the surface of the moon, so they asked the control crew to postpone bedtime for a later time, and indeed, once agreed to continue the mission, the time was canceled The time limit for sleep, provided that the two astronauts make up for this time when they complete the task.
5. Astronauts remained isolated for 21 days after returning to Earth — Source
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President Nixon's visit to the Apollo 11 crew inside the health trailer - Photo: NASA
Although scientists knew that there was no life on the moon's surface, the three astronauts remained in a trailer for 21 days, fearing the spread of any disease they might have carried or contracted on the moon's surface.
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health trailer
6. Astronauts erected a mirror on the moon's surface — Source
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The mirror on the moon
Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin installed a mirror on the moon's surface in order to conduct an experiment to determine the laser range of the moon, by sending laser beams from Earth to the moon and calculating the time needed to reach there and back back to Earth.
7. “Ice cream cone” and “haystack” are the names that astronauts preferred to give to spacecraft — Source
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The astronauts wanted to have fun choosing the names of the vehicles, but NASA refused and asked them to take the matter seriously. The main spacecraft was later named Columbia after the science fiction novel “From Earth to the Moon,” which revolves around a spacecraft called Columbia that is launched from a special cannon in order to reach the surface of the moon. The lunar module was named Eagle after the bald eagle, the national symbol of the United States of America, which was also used as the emblem of the space mission.
8. The astronauts used a “pen” as an aid to complete the trip to the moon — Source
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While entering the craft, astronaut Aldrin accidentally broke one of the circuit breakers, but luckily Armstrong inserted a pen in place, which helped them fix the malfunction and complete the flight safely.
9. The missile was huge — Source
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The Saturn V rocket (Photo: NASA .)
The Saturn V is the largest rocket ever successfully sent into space, measuring 110 meters in length and weighing nearly 3,000 tons. The missile did not lose a crew member during its flights between 1967 and 1973.
10. US President Richard Nixon was ready to give a tragic speech — Source
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Celebrations of Apollo's trip to the moon - Photo: Nasa
US President Nixon and his government set the possibility of the failure of the Apollo 11 flight, prompting him to prepare a speech in the event of any misfortune. The letter says in one of the quotes: “Fate willed the men who went to the moon to explore in peace to rest there in peace. These brave men; Armstrong and Aldrin, realizing that there was no hope of their return, but hoping that their sacrifice would not be in vain, but for the sake of humanity.”

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