The 10 strangest and craziest scientific experiments
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When science is used in the way it is intended, the logical analyzes and experiments carried out by scientists in any field are within the framework of ethics and humanity and respond to important inquiries, but when science is not used in the correct way, disasters occur.
In this article, we will see the ten strangest and craziest scientific experiments, and we will see where science reaches when we strip it of morals
Crazy science experiments
1- The experience of testicular transplantation by Dr. Stanley
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It was San Quentin Prison or SQ Prison
(in English: San Quentin State Prison) It is considered one of the worst prisons in the state of California, USA. You may think that the worst thing that happens in this prison is the bad food or mistreatment of the inmates of this prison or those in charge of guarding and managing it, but if you were a prisoner there than From 1910 AD to 1950 AD, you may see yourself under the scalpel of the most dangerous deranged surgeon in this prison, Leo Stanley.
 This Leo Stanley was an expert doctor in a strange field, which is (improving the characteristics of human offspring), and it is known historically that he followed his crazy desire to conduct strange experiments in order to study the characteristics of human offspring and attempts to control the characteristics of embryos. This frightening doctor was doing crazy experiments on inmates from Convicts in San Quentin Prison, California.
- Doctor Leo Stanley had a belief that male criminals in this prison share a general trait that distinguishes them, which is that they have low levels of testosterone, and he tried to change that trait by increasing the percentage of this hormone with multiple experiments.
Doctor Leo Stanley began several experiments on younger prisoners, then conducted other experiments using older men, and these were those who were sentenced to death in cases of murder and rape, and some of them were sentenced to life imprisonment, and the number of prisoners who underwent his heinous experiments reached about 600 Prisoners of different ages
Doctor Stanley began his experiments by injecting the testicles of prisoners subjected to forcible combat with the testosterone hormone, which he extracted from multiple sources, then the experiments continued into a more insane form, after he removed testicles from animals such as goats, pigs, and others, and surgically implanted them inside the stomachs of the prisoners subject of experiments!
The interesting thing is that some of the prisoners mentioned when they followed up that they felt that they had become more powerful and energetic after completing this strange experiment and implanting testicles inside their stomachs, but it is not clear whether these experiments have offered something really useful in the long run or not, so the follow-up did not last long
2- The experiment of crossing a spider and a goat
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Extracting silk threads from spiders is really tiring. You can imagine that in order for a technician in the laboratory to fill one test tube with silk from spider threads, he has to extract it from thousands of numbers of spiders, due to their small size and production, besides that spiders are fierce creatures by nature and tend to To defend their habitat and attack other spiders, so it requires separating them from each other to become isolated from the rest, instead of attacking each other in one cage .. So .. Is there a way that can make this work less and more effective
!The answer is yes
By trying to cross the genes of spiders for the production of silk threads with the DNA of another !animal, a pig, for example
This was exactly what scientists at the University of Wyoming tried to do in 2010 AD, and they had a shocking result!!
And it is the appearance of threads of spider silk in the milk of goat mothers, otherwise the university insists that the goats are completely normal!
3- An experiment in Stanford prison
It seems that prisons in particular are usually suitable and a suitable breeding ground for free scientists and their illegal experiments, and they can conduct their outrageous scientific experiments in a way that they can hide if they fail, but among the psychological experiments, this experiment was the most famous in history in this prison, in addition to that it was the subject of a special movie about It was released in 2015 and watched by many
It happened in the year 1917 AD, a professor of psychology at Stanford University called "Philip Zimbardo" subjected a group of 24 students to psychological and behavioral tests as follows: he appointed half of them as "prisoners" and the other half as "guards" and that was done in another temporary prison there In the basement of the university's psychology building
And with the passage of the first two days of the time of that experiment, the group of guards began to impose their authority in violent and fierce ways on the other group, so the group of prisoners resisted and revolted against the actions of the group of guards, then things got out of control a lot.
 The guards' actions increased their ferocity by forcing the prisoners to sleep naked without any clothes on the concrete floors and near the buckets of their excrement and the places of the toilets!!
One of the prisoners had a complete nervous and psychological breakdown and began to violently and scream in anger out of control, so he was released from the experiment and returned to his regular prison.
The bottom line of this strange psychological experiment is that normal people can succumb to their bestial instincts and their darkest demonic thoughts if they are given the power to do so.
 This psychological pattern of the guards explains what happens in detention centers in various countries, the most brutal of which are the Nazi prisons in the past, even the "Abu Ghraib" and "Guantanamo" detention centers, which are famous for the inhuman and brutal behavior that takes place inside them.
4- Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
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This particular experiment gained a reputation for being so horrible that it overthrew all ethical standards that should be observed.
The study began to treat syphilis in 1932 AD and during the Great Depression of the last century, the experiments were carried out with the participation of the American Public Health Foundation with the University of Tuskegee, which is a private university for black citizens in the US state of Alabama, and the experiments were conducted on nearly 600 poor black farmers in The state, some of them were already infected with syphilis before the experiments were conducted, and others were deliberately infected with the disease during the experiments to test the effectiveness of antibiotics such as penicillin in treating that disease
But after verifying the effectiveness of the use of penicillin against the disease, the scientists refrained from experimenting with completing the treatment of the infected, and they continued the study while hiding all information about the patients’ conditions and not telling them that they actually had syphilis, and this immoral situation continued until news of the experiments leaked to the press, which caused the termination of the study and experiments. In the same year, after leaving behind a large number of men who died of syphilis, 40 wives who contracted the disease, and 19 children who were born with congenital syphilis.
It is worth mentioning here that to this day there are still some black Americans of African descent who do not trust American medical institutions because of their previous reputation, and a large number of them are completely convinced that this health organization deliberately created the AIDS virus to infect blacks and spread it among them first in African countries.
5- Psychological depression experiment on monkeys
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Harry Harlow is a psychiatrist who was working on testing and studying the effects of depression on one of the types of monkeys, which are macaques. Cages far from their home in a dark secluded hole, and the psychologist left the young macaques in those dark and isolated cages for ten weeks, by themselves.
Some monkeys were experimented with models of surrogate mothers consisting of blankets and plastic structures.
And what happened was that some macaque monkeys were associated with these fake plastic mothers, but the majority of the monkeys suffered from deep clinical depression and also suffered from psychosis in advanced stages to the point that it became impossible to treat them and return them to their original, normal nature.
6- The experience of a deadly mosquito attack
- You may not hear much about "insect wars", but scientists did not miss an opportunity to use that term and make it a reality during wars.
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In the mid-1950s, swarms of insects were harnessed to infect and kill soldiers, as the battle period witnessed three separate experiments conducted by the US Army in Operation Drop Kick in 1955, where 600,000 mosquitoes were air-dropped on black neighborhoods in Florida, which led to the spread of Dozens of epidemics (and a small number of deaths).
Also in that year, Operation Big Buzz saw the distribution of 300,000 mosquitoes of the species responsible for yellow fever in minority settings. These experiments were conducted shortly after another Operation Big Buzz, in which hundreds of tropical rat fleas were loaded into rockets. , and launched it in Utah.

7- Extracting parts of the body to treat insanity
We don't really know what drives some scholars to think so barbaric in their work. Dr. Henry Cotton was one of them. Although he was chief physician at the New Jersey State Universitary Hospital (now called Trento Psychiatric Hospital), He succumbed behind a crazy idea, as he believed that the internal organs of the human body could be one of the root causes of madness, and therefore they must be extracted from the body!
In 1907, some surgical procedures were performed without the patient's consent, such as tooth extraction, tonsillectomy, and even removal of some deep internal organs or parts of the colon, which were suspected of causing insanity.
To prove his crazy point, the doctor, Henry Cotton, extracted his teeth, as well as the teeth of his wife and children. About 49 patients died as a result of these experiments, which Henry Cotton justified as "psychosis in the last stages."
Although Dr. Henry Cotton is now considered a pioneering expert who paved the way for doctors' efforts to treat insanity, many critics still consider his work horrific and insane.
8- Sex reassignment experiments
 Dr. John William Money, an expert in psychology and sexual behavior, believed that sex could be learned rather than being an innate instinct!
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In 1966, Monet tried to prove this by surgically removing the testicle of a 22-month-old boy named "Bruce Reimer," who, at the age of eight months, became without a penis as a result of a failed circumcision, while he called this experience "the (John / Joan) experiment." of sexual identity and nurture versus nature.
Dr. Monet persuaded the child's parents to treat Bruce as a girl instead of a boy, along with his natural twin brother "Brian", and instead of Bruce, the boy's name was changed to "Brenda", and the doctor continued to hold sessions with the two children until adolescence, but the experiment failed miserably. , As Bruce wanted to refrain from meeting the doctor, after his psychological condition worsened and he did not accept that he was a girl, and the twins accused the doctor of forcing them to play sexual games with each other, and Bruce married and became a father to adoptive children after he changed his name to David, but throughout those years he suffered depression He and his brother until David committed suicide at the age of 38 in 2004, after his brother's suicide in 2002, and their parents accused Dr. Monet of causing their suicide, so the whole theory was refuted, despite the fact that Dr. John William Monet is a leading figure in the field of biology sex.
9- The savage experiences of the Roman Emperor
 As the most powerful and influential man during the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Emperor "Frederick II" conducted strange experiments, the least described as barbarism and madness, with the participation of a ruthless Italian monk.
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These ranged from the brutal experiments of Frederick II, from holding a dying man in a barrel with a small hole only to see his soul come out of his body.. to disembowelling some people after feeding them to see how they would digest the food.
And one of the strangest experiences that, if it indicates something, will indicate madness, recklessness, and perhaps the time emptiness of these people - is Frederick II's quest to find out what the language of "Adam and Eve" is, by holding two young children since they were born together without allowing them to interact with humans in any way, and thus he will learn The two are the language of Adam and Eve, but it is not surprising that all of these experiments failed completely, as the children's experiment in particular ended in unfortunate circumstances, as the two behaved like mad monsters, and eventually died.
Of course, all other experiences were not more fortunate than the language experience.
10 - Two-headed dogs experiment
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- Vladimir Demikhov was a successful surgeon, and his studies contributed greatly to medical science in the field of organ transplantation and coronary surgery, as Demikhov was the first person to succeed in opening a bypass of the coronary artery on a warm-blooded creature, but behind his successful operations, there are few Experiences that can make you feel uncomfortable! .. which is his famous experiments on dogs, where Demikhov was able to fuse the head, shoulders and front legs of a puppy with the neck of a German dog, and although that surgery was successful, as both dogs were able to independently control their bodies separately from each other, but that The dogs did not live long because the body rejected the new tissues, and Demikhov conducted experiments on 20 dogs of both types, but most of them survived for only one month, and although these experiments seemed very harsh, it cannot be denied that they are It has already helped in the field of organ transplantation in humans.
Source: websites