A glimpse of the book: The Amazigh Civilization.. Human Anthropology, History, Writing, Religions and Culture

The Amazigh Civilization book, Human Anthropology, History, Writing, Religions and Culture, is a collection of research on the Amazigh civilization in North Africa and their diverse culture at all levels since the dawn of history until the present century.
The book includes axes related to the Amazigh person, origin, upbringing, stability and history. His genetic and genetic origins, and the material and moral components of his civilization were also explored in the book, with chapters on his political, social, economic, cultural, religious, scientific, literary, and artistic life, while observing his customs, traditions, language, writing, and urbanization.
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Technical information about the book
A glimpse of the book: The Amazigh Civilization.. Human Anthropology, History, Writing, Religions and Culture 1281
Book Name: Amazigh Civilization, Human Anthropology, History, Writing, Religions and Culture. Author: Jamil Hamdaoui
, Publisher: East Africa,
Coverage: Paperback ,
First Edition: 2012

Source: websites