The most dangerous animal in the world The most dangerous living being on the planet

Deadly creatures exist almost all over the earth, whether in the form of animals, birds, or others, and most people suffer from one animal phobia or another, whether it is fear of sharks, reptiles, or even small flying insects, but when it comes to any kind it is worth fear it? Here things differ, and the answer may surprise you.
These ferocious beasts of all shapes and sizes can cause fatal accidents and some cause large numbers of human deaths.
The most dangerous animal in the world The most dangerous living being on the planet 1476
Here are the most dangerous animals in the world - and where you might encounter them.
hippopotamus :
Hippos may look like giant, pesky things, but they are often considered the most dangerous mammals in Africa. Unpredictable, hippos are armed with teeth sharp and powerful enough to cause fatal damage. If their territory is encroached on - whether it be by a crocodile, another hippopotamus, or a boat full of tourists - they will aggressively defend their space. When hippos attack, they do so with strong, sharp teeth nearly two feet long at pressures of up to 2,000 pounds per square inch (the lion exerts half that pressure when biting at its furthest).
Their natural habitat is largely the rivers and lakes of Africa - though they've also made their way to Colombia.
jellyfish :
Jellyfish are often seen floating -- or moving very slowly at speeds near five miles per hour -- in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and many seas. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration considers these transparent, nearly invisible invertebrates the world's most venomous marine animal.
Jellyfish contain thousands of stinging cells known as nematocysts, which contain toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells simultaneously. While antivenoms are present, the venom is so potent that many human victims have gone into shock and drowned or died of heart failure before reaching shore. (They kill 20-40 people every year in the Philippines alone). For those lucky enough to make it to the hospital and receive treatment, survivors can sometimes experience severe pain for weeks afterward, and are often left with nasty scars from it.
conical spiral:
These beautiful creatures are found in the warm waters of the tropics, instantly recognizable by their marbled brown and white shells, and can be seen in shallow depths near shore, near coral reefs and rock formations, and under sandy shoals. But don't you dare touch the four- to six-inch-long gastropod: Its hidden, harpoon-like "teeth" contain a complex venom known as conetoxin, making it one of the most venomous of snails (yes, there are other venomous snails). Only a few people have been stung, but, unfortunately, there is no antivenom, the poisons prevent neurons from communicating with each other; So the creature causes paralysis within moments.
Cone snails live in the waters around the Caribbean islands, Hawaii, and Indonesia.
Poisonous golden frog:
Poison darts are a large variety of brightly colored frogs, of which only a handful are dangerous to humans. The deadliest, the golden poison dart, inhabits a small range of rainforests along Colombia's Pacific coast, growing to about two inches (about the size of a paperclip). Its venom is so potent that there is enough in one frog to kill ten adult men, with only two micrograms—about the amount that fits in a pinhead—capable of killing a single individual. But what makes amphibians particularly dangerous is that their venom glands are located just under their skin, which means that just a touch can cause trouble. Deforestation has put the frog on endangered lists, but if you're lucky enough to see a rare one while hiking, don't try to reach it.
Where to find them: Golden poison dart frogs are found only in the rainforests of Colombia.
Piranha fish:
It is that predatory fish that since it was small, it is armed and dangerous, it feeds initially on small crustaceans, fruits, seeds and aquatic plants, and once it reaches about 1.5 inches in length, it begins to feed on meat from other fish, as it grows larger and begins In going out in groups of about 20 fish as they have a variety of strategies to kill and eat their prey.
What makes piranhas really fierce is that they eat their prey while they are still alive and sometimes they may eat their babies.
Piranhas have incredibly sharp teeth. A single row in each of the upper and lower jaws makes for strong, interlocking teeth that are perfect for tearing apart the flesh of their prey. Piranhas have inspired many Hollywood blockbusters.
It is not necessarily true that it feeds all the time on meat. Most piranhas have a diet of dead animals. They also eat insects and plants. But if they are attacked by humans, they may defend themselves without a doubt. Most attacks on humans occur during their dry season, when food is scarce.
The pufferfish, also known as the pufferfish, is found in tropical seas around the world. Although it is the second most toxic vertebrate on the planet (after the golden arrow frog), it is arguably more dangerous as its neurotoxin (called tetrodotoxin) is found in the fish's skin, muscle tissue, liver, kidneys, and gonads.
The most dangerous animal in the world The most dangerous living being on the planet 1-64
All of this should be avoided when preparing fish for human consumption. In fact, while wild encounters are certainly dangerous, the risk of death from blowfish increases when eaten in countries such as Japan, where it is considered a delicacy known as fugu and can only be prepared by trained and licensed chefs. Even then, accidental deaths from ingestion occur several times each year. The tetrodotoxin is 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide, and can cause deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, labored breathing, muscle paralysis, and death if left untreated.
You'll find blowfish all over Japan, China, the Philippines, and many seas around the world.
Inner Taipan:
The Inland Taipan Snake is the world's most venomous and deadliest snake, almost all lists of venomous snakes agree that the Inland Taipan is the most dangerous and venomous snake. The inland taipan snake is found in the semi-arid regions of central-eastern Australia. The drop of venom from the Inland Taipan is the most toxic and deadly of any snake in the entire world. One bite from this snake and there is enough venom to kill at least 100 adult men. Left untreated, a bite from an Inland Taipan can kill a human in 30 to 45 minutes.
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Inland Taipan
The Inland Taipan is a very agile and fast snake. It is a specialized hunter of warm-blooded mammals, which is why its venom is so lethal to humans. When it strikes the Inland Taipan, it is extremely fast and often strikes multiple times, releasing more venom in each blow.
Most inland taipan snakes avoid humans and try to escape their danger. Also, snakes are not very common in areas where humans live, so there are very few encounters between Inland Taipan and humans.
The snakes reach 8.2 feet in length and their fangs can reach between 3.5 and 6.2 mm in length.
There have been no Inland Taipan deaths since the development of an antivenom for snakebite
Anaconda snake:
Anacondas are the largest and heaviest known snakes, and they can be found in tropical rainforests, lakes and swamps in South America, so we always find them near the Amazon River. From attacking someone, she simply chooses to slip into the water without being noticed, but despite this, people do not leave her and keep chasing her to use her precious skins in the fashion industry.
The good news for the anaconda snake is that it is not poisonous at all, but it has other means to kill its prey, without a doubt, so watch out for the anaconda if it is hungry. It takes a week for it to digest its food. It is considered the largest snake in the world, reaching a length of 9 meters and weighing approximately 227 kilograms. Because of its size, we find that it is not good at moving on land, but it is adept at moving in water.
Brazilian wandering spider:
If this spider isn't big enough to cause you to have a sudden heart attack--it can be five to seven inches long--its extremely venomous bite will finish the job. Many spiders have fangs full of venom, but they are not known to bite people.
Unfortunately, the Brazilian wandering spider is not one of those. Even worse, this spider, the Brazilian recluse spider, roams densely populated areas seeking refuge in dark, comfortable places like shoes, clothes, wood piles, cars, and other places where people might stick their hands. Human death can occur within two to six hours of the bite, usually as a result of lung failure—although fever, vomiting, and paralysis also occur. Bites from Brazilian wandering spiders are uncommon, but don't let your guard down in their territory. just in case.
Brazilian hairy spiders are large and have eight eyes, two of which are large. These spiders move quickly, have strong legs and have distinctive red jaws that are displayed when angry.
Brazilian spiders live in the tropics of Central and South America.
stone fish:
Stonefish are so named because of their visual resemblance to rocks, sitting completely still and blending directly into the sea floor where an unsuspecting foot can easily slide onto their dorsal fins, poised and ready to attack with powerful neurotoxins.
The most dangerous animal in the world The most dangerous living being on the planet 1476
rock fish
Death from stonefish venom can occur within an hour, so victims need to seek an antivenom immediately, with water heated to over 113 °F (45 °C) being used in the meantime to denature the venom. Much easier is just watching where you step.
Where to find them: The Pacific coastal Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Great Barrier Reef help hide these toxic marine creatures.
Saltwater crocodile:
Nile crocodiles may be fearsome, but so are their cousin, the fearsome saltwater crocodile, which is shorter, easily provoked, and aggressive toward anything that gets in its way.
Of all the species in the world, the largest - and most dangerous - is the saltwater crocodile. These ferocious killers can reach 23 feet in length, weigh over a ton, and are known to kill hundreds of people each year, with crocodiles as a whole responsible for more human deaths annually than sharks. Saltwater crocodiles are especially dangerous because they are excellent swimmers in every way. of salt and fresh water, and can bite with a force of 3,700 pounds per square inch of pressure.
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Saltwater crocodile
If that's not enough to scare you, let's consider humans chomping into a well-done steak at about 200 psi, which is just five percent of the force of an alligator's jaw.
Saltwater crocodiles are found in the Indo-Pacific region, everywhere from India to Vietnam, all the way to northern Australia.
The tsetse fly:
Often thought of as the most dangerous fly in the world, the tsetse fly is a small fly of an insect measuring between 8 to 17 mm, or about the same size as an average house fly - it is commonly found in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in the center of the continent.
This predatory fly is also called tick tick, and this type of fly is considered a vampire predator and lives in many places in Africa, especially between the Sahara Desert and the Kalahari Desert, and although the tsetse fly is not a large predator, it poses a great danger as it carries African sleeping sickness fly kills hundreds of thousands of people every year, if not treated.
Although there are no vaccines or medications to prevent infection, methods of protection include wearing clothing in neutral colors (tsetse flies are attracted to bright and dark colors, especially blue), avoiding undergrowth during the day, and using permethrin-treated equipment in more remote areas.
Tsetse flies fly around Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.
The common mosquito, which is only three millimeters long and smaller than the tsetse fly, is ranked as the second most dangerous animal in the world. Because of the huge number of deaths every year, caused by various pathogens that are transmitted by several species of mosquitoes (more than 3000 species of mosquitoes in the world) to humans.
Mosquitoes transmit many diseases such as malaria, chikungunya, encephalitis, elephantiasis, yellow fever, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and Zika virus, which together infect about 700 million and kill nearly 725,000 people each year. As the World Health Organization notes, more than half of humanity is currently at risk from mosquito-borne diseases. Because bugs are attracted to our body temperatures and the carbon dioxide we exhale, our best tool for preventing infections is to use insect repellents.
Mosquitoes are found in every region on the planet except Antarctica that has mosquitoes.

Humans :
surprised? After all, we're animals too, and since we've been killing each other for 10,000 years, with total deaths from war alone estimated at between 150 million and 1 billion (and that was a decade ago), thinking we're at the top of the list. We attack each other at incredibly high rates of senseless brutality, from gun violence to terrorist attacks around the world. We're a danger to other animals too - think global warming, the destruction of forests and coral reefs.
Given the threat we pose to countless other creatures - and the fact that we often act irrationally and have the power to wipe out our entire planet with an array of terrifying weapons such as nuclear devices and genetically modified superbugs - we are at the top of the list as the most dangerous animal in the world.

Source: websites