?Alchemyado, a language that was used when Arabic was banned... Have you heard of it
?Alchemyado, a language that was used when Arabic was banned... Have you heard of it 11583
Sometimes imagination is a gateway to resistance or escape. When reality becomes so bitter that it overflows, and all doors are closed, imagination turns into a haven for all the oppressed. This is how the Moriscos who succeeded through the Alchemyado Gate did what they failed to do on the ground, so they regained Andalusia, conquered Europe, and some of them waited for the savior, or God’s revenge on the “pork eaters” and the curses on them, or the Day of Resurrection that will end their torment.
Al-Khamiado is a mixture between the Castilian and Arabic languages, written in Arabic letters, and the name is due to the word “Al-Ajamiya” or “Al-Ajamiyyah” in the Arabic language. Alchemiado was also in the Islamic Balkan countries that were subject to Ottoman rule, and the so-called Ottoman Alchemiado literature appeared in Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro.
Some of them were burned, and others were tortured to death in the cellars of Spanish churches, and those who survived fled either to the Ottoman Empire, which succeeded in smuggling groups of them to its lands and facilitated access for others to them, or to North Africa and the Arab Maghreb, where they are geographically close.
Those who remained in the Iberian Peninsula were forcibly converted to Catholicism, so they lived as Christians under the Spanish throne ostensibly, and hid their pious Islam, hoping that hordes of Muslim armies from North Africa or the Mamluk state in Egypt or the Ottoman Empire would come to their rescue, to no avail.
After a long confrontation between the Ottoman Empire and Spain, the Ottomans barely repelled the Spanish attacks on North Africa, and restored Cyprus, Tunisia and Algeria to the Islamic fold, and the war remained a debate between the two empires for centuries until they declined in favor of the emerging European powers at the time, i.e. Britain and France.
In Morocco, after Mawla Zaidan al-Nasir ibn Ahmad became king of Fez, he told some jurists in an open place in front of his palace that a great astrologer had read his horoscope, and told him that he would conquer all of Spain, and that the first battle would take place in Carmona, and the King of Spain would flee and take refuge in Toledo, where he would be arrested. And at the moment when he finished his speech, two mules suddenly let go of their cleats and came running, and they passed among the jurists and Mawla Zaidan, and chaos spread in the place, and the two mules left their droppings in the place of the council, so the king was silent for a long time, and the jurists tried to ease him, and they said that the devil assumed the form of the two mules to divert him from his happy prediction However, they failed to rectify the situation.
Zidane did not try to think about it again, and perhaps his motive, if his intention was true, was to fight his safe brother, who took refuge in Spain, asking for help from its king, Philip III.
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Alchemyado... the last fortress
When all the fortresses of Andalusia fell, and the Arabic language was officially abolished, and speaking of it became a crime, the Moriscos resorted to inventing the language of "Al-Alamiado", to be their last fortress.
The linguistic situation of the Moriscos differed according to the historical and demographic conditions of each region, and the Spanish historian Antonio Dominguez Ortiz confirmed that since 1449 they did not have a homogeneous situation, and they had to forget the Arabic language. In the year 1462, that is, before the fall of Granada, the great jurist of Segobia, Issa bin Jabir, was forced to write in the Castilian language his famous work, “The Collection of Commandments and Obligations Contained in the Qur’an and Sunnah.”
Spain showed great interest in eliminating the heritage of Andalusia, and imposed the Spanish Catholic culture, and that women buy pork in the markets to feed it to dogs, and the Moriscos agreed to baptize their children only publicly, and they were trying to inherit their Islamic faith to them in secret, and frequent bathing was reprehensible, and it leads to death. Because it is linked to Muslim customs, and whatever the Moriscos did to please the Spaniards, the prevailing view was that they were hypocrites who showed the opposite of what they concealed.
The transformation of the Spanish sound into the Arabic letter
The Moriscos succeeded in establishing a consistent system and applying a unified graphic and spelling system for phonetic translation from Spanish into Arabic letters . in Aljamiado Manuscripts ), and it is quite a challenge that the heavy Arabic letters express the delicate Spanish sounds.
The Legacy of Alchemyado
The Moriscos wrote the Holy Qur’an secretly in Arabic, coupled with explanations and translations in the Alchemyado language. They also wrote the biography of the Prophet and the stories of the prophets, and some books of jurisprudence and hadith in Alchemyado, and kept in all their manuscripts the Basmala and Quranic verses always written in Arabic.
The Moriscos transferred a small part of the Islamic and Arab heritage to Alchemyado, which was mentioned by Monica Columinas Aparicio, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and the University of Amsterdam, in an investigation of a manuscript dated 1668 from the Royal Library in the Escorial Palace in Madrid, under the title “A missing Arabic link in The literature of Aljamiado... Islamic gatherings and the circulation of Andalusian writings among the Moriscos”, published in the Al-Qantara magazine issued by the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CCHS) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), as it confirmed the transmission of many primary Islamic sources, and the various literary works that were known in Andalusia or even in the Islamic East, including a story entitled "The Trap, the Bird and the Hunter", which later became part of One Thousand and One Nights, and the novel Hayy Ibn Yaqzan by Ibn Tufail, which was influenced by writer Daniel Defoe in his novel Robinson Crusoe, and others.
There are many anonymous authors of the manuscripts of the Alchemyado, including the book "The Poem of Joseph", a book of poetry about the life of the Prophet Joseph, and many more.
God's revenge on the "pork eaters" and divine justice
The prophecies of Alchemyado about the fall of Spanish rule were distinguished by the metaphors of the prophecies of the end of the world, the signs of the Day of Resurrection in both Christianity and Islam, and the model of the savior, and mixed them in the context of the Andalusian tragedy. and the West, but this time on fantasy land.
The prophecies constituted a kind of negative resistance, so to speak. What the Moriscos were unable to achieve, they imagined that someone would come to achieve it in the future, what was clearly observed by the researcher at the Catholic University of America, Lord Maria Alvarez, in his research entitled “Prophecies of the End of the World in the Sixteenth Century.” .. The wonders of the writings of the Moriscos, the story of Tamim al-Dari”, ( Prophecies of Apocalypse in Sixteenth-Century Morisco Writings and the Wondrous Tale of Tamīm al-Dārī), which was published by Dar Pearl, as it monitored texts in Al-Ahmeado, talking about divine revenge against “the pork-eaters.” And curses descend upon them, which are prophecies, some of which were attributed to Islamic personalities from the past.
Alvarez points out that some of the manuscripts of Alchemyado that talk about the end of the world and the prophecies of the end of time include an explanation of the directions of the land route leading to the Greek port of Thessaloniki, where Muslims and Jews cross in small groups the Pyrenees to France, which was then linked by a close alliance with the Ottoman Empire, and from there. To the heart of Europe in the Balkans, all the way to Thessaloniki.
Alvarez sheds light on the story of Tamim al-Dari, a tale found in the 16th-century Alkhemiadia manuscript in Aragon. The al-Dari manuscript weaves a story full of tragedy, melodrama, and fabricated narratives regarding the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which Muslim narrated in his Sahih about meeting the Companion. Tamim bin Aws al-Dari (d. 660 CE) with al-Jassasa, which is one of the signs of the Hour, and with the Antichrist on an island in the middle of the sea, and the long hadith mentioned signs that appear before the appearance of the Antichrist, which is that the Bisan palm trees will not bear fruit, and that Lake Tiberias and Ain Zaghar will dry up near it And that the illiterate prophet will descend and the Arabs will fight him.
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However, the Alachmiadian manuscript adds fictional and exciting aspects to the story, and claims that on one stormy evening, Tamim takes a bath after fondling his wife, and at a moment the wife jokingly says: “Take him, genie,” so that Tamim’s long journey begins, as an infidel genie kidnaps him, tortures him, mocks him, and tries to drive him away. He abandons his religion - just like what happens to the Moriscos - but he insists on praying and reading the Qur’an, until a believing genie king comes (a symbol of the waiting Muslim kings), and he fights the infidel genie and liberates Tamim, who lives with him for more years.
After 7 years of absence, his wife went to the caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, complaining about the absence of her husband, and asking to marry another, so the caliph decided to officially announce the death of Tamim al-Dari, and asked her to wait for the waiting period, then get married. On the first night of her new marriage, her first husband appeared distorted from the impact of what he saw on his journey, and here his return after his death is a symbolic resurrection, indicating the hope for the resurrection of the Moriscos again.
The dispute between the new and old spouses reached the caliph, and here Tamim decided to tell him what happened to him to get his wife back, and he talked about his capture from the infidel jinn, and his residence with the believing jinn, and how he was overcome by nostalgia for his home, and during his return he faced other horrors, and he saw the Prophet Elias who specified He has the place of the city of Iram with pillars, and he talked about it as if it was part of paradise, and how he met Al-Khidr, who directed him to the place of the antichrist, and told him about the signs of his appearance, and saw the torment of some infidels in hell, and the symbolism here depends on the idea of divine justice, and that no matter how oppressive prevails, he wins in world, justice will be achieved on the Day of Resurrection.
This fictional account was attributed entirely to Ibn Abbas, a pattern that some medieval papers followed, to lend seriousness and credibility to their fabricated accounts.
The prophecy of Ibn Jubayr
Among these texts is a manuscript entitled "The Account of the Graves That Will Be Attached to the Spanish Island", and it includes prophecies attributed to the Andalusian traveler Ibn Jubair. The manuscript tells of a meeting between Ibn Jubayr and a mysterious hermit who lives on top of a mountain near Damascus. The hermit tells Ibn Jubair that the beginning of the end of the suffering of Muslims will be the beginning of the dispute between the two kings who worship the cross and eat pork. And when Ibn Jubair asked him when would that happen? He said in 902 AH, i.e. 1496 AD. And from the words of the unknown hermit, we learn that in the year 1530, 3 Muslim kings will join together in a fierce battle against the Christians, and they will be victorious over them.
The manuscript, which is supposed to have been written by Ibn Jubair, who died in Alexandria about 3 centuries before these events, predicts God’s wrath against his servants who strayed from his true worship and his straight path, so he will punish them by forcibly and collectively converting to Christianity, starting from southern Spain, as he predicted the burning of mosques and converting them into churches, but the manuscript insists that this suffering will make God move the hearts of Muslim kings, and put all these events in the context of the tribulations of the end times, and confirm that the outcome is for the righteous.

The Ottoman conquest of Andalusia
The prophecies of Alchemyado mentioned how God would wreak havoc and destruction upon the "infidels" Christians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Luis del Marmol de Carvajal, in his book "Rebellion and Punishment of the Moriscos in Granada" ( Rebelión y castigo de los moriscos de Granada ), referred to the role of these prophecies in igniting the human revolution. The bloodshed between 1568 and 1571, which was extinguished - according to Alvarez - only with the help of the garrisons that were summoned from Italy, and the Spanish response was violent against the Moriscos who were seen as a real threat to the Spanish state itself, and that there was already a possibility that the Ottomans would support a Morisco revolution An overwhelming might overthrow the Spanish throne, which was already written by the Moriscos in the Alakhmiado scrolls, but what happened was contrary to the alleged prophecies.
Perhaps the Spaniards' intense fear of the fulfillment of the Moriscos' prophecies that the Ottomans would overthrow them pushed them to more repression against the Moriscos, and further expansion towards the eastern Mediterranean, in the direction of the Ottomans, until their armies reached Cyprus to help the Venetian forces that seized it in preserving it as a European base. Advanced Christianity in the face of the Ottoman Empire.
While Carvajal emphasized that those prophecies were not just a veiled incitement to revolution against the Spaniards, but rather a reaffirmation of commitment to Islam, a call to repentance, and most importantly, they reflect an attempt to overcome reality and change the course of history in the first large Muslim community living under Christian rule. , according to Christian law, and with the power of the Inquisition.
Hisham bin Senussi, a researcher at the Algerian University of Jijel, mentioned in a research he published in “Al-Nass” magazine, December 2013, under the title “The Image of the Expected Savior in the Alchemyado-Moresky Literary Heritage. ” Some of these texts have been translated, including a manuscript that says: “The Turks With their armies, they will turn to Rome, and only the Christians who profess the religion of Muhammad will be saved, and the others will be captured and killed.
While Alexander Castellano, who was one of the domesticated refugees to the Ottoman Empire, mentioned that there are signs that began to appear heralding the imminent realization of the prophecy of re-control of Andalusia, which spread throughout the Ottoman Empire at the time, and Castellano was seeking to make sure of the occurrence of these signs, and preaching them, which It is represented in the emergence of a young man who differs from his peers, and that within 6 months he will become an orphan of the father, and within 30 years, he will become the leader of the Moriscos in the Ciara de Galenera region in Valencia, and he will win the war.
Castellano was preaching about the faithful youth, and claiming that he already existed, and that he would be asymmetrical, large and clawed, and have 6 fingers on each hand, but that boy did not appear at any time, and did nothing for the Moriscos.
The issue did not stop at this point, as the Moriscos dropped all the prophecies of the end times and the tribulations that the Prophet Muhammad warned against themselves. God in this time will be the son of the island, his father will be a deaf man, and his mother will be a woman with blue eyes, and one of his brothers will be born circumcised, and this was the savior that the Moriscos created from their imagination and waited for him in vain.
Among the characteristics of the expected savior in the Al-Achmiado scrolls, which Father Aznar Cardona mentioned - according to Hisham bin Senussi - is that he is a Fatimid Arab, who will liberate the Moriscos, kill the Christians, come on a green horse, penetrate these mountains, and then disappear in the struggle against the army of Don Khaim or Chaimi The first, the King of Aragon, who entered into a long conflict with the Muslims in Andalusia.
In Talavera, just before the expulsion, an old Morisco told his companions that a great Arab sultan would appear and protect them. Their popular stories also promised to restore control over Andalusia again, and that supplies would come this time from nearby Morocco, which appeared in the following text: “The hour of deliverance is near and it will come from North Africa, Bejaia and Oran. Ceuta will be conquered first, and then after that it will be A new conquest of Spain, following the direction of Tariq, and a bridge will appear at the strait, and the Arabs will be able to invade Spain as far as Galicia, the farthest region of the Iberian Peninsula to the far northwest, which has never fallen under Islamic rule.
?Alchemyado, a language that was used when Arabic was banned... Have you heard of it 11584
Equestrian literature and epics spread, in the Alakhmid writings, influenced by the exploits of the companions of the Messenger, and this may have had an imprint later on European equestrian literature, and novels such as "The Three Musketeers" and others.
The Moriscos waited for a long time and no one came, so some of them sympathized with some of the Christian clergy, including Saint Jacques, and were loyal to him, and considered him one of the righteous saints, claiming that he and others were of Arab origin, and some of them claimed that he was a Muslim and his name was Ali.
Alchemyado's stories about salvation and liberation from oppression did not end here, as they are valid for every time and place, similar to the time of the fall of the last Muslim strongholds in the Iberian Peninsula, and there is no doubt that there are other stories waiting to be told.
