Universe25 Experience - 25
 Universe25 Experience - 25 1480
One of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science
Which studied the behavior of rat colonies in the event of extravagance and luxury, in an attempt to study similar behavior in human societies.
The idea of “Universe 25” was conceived by the American scientist John Calhoun, who created a “luxurious world” in which hundreds of mice live and reproduce; He built a specially designed space so that the rats would have plenty of food and water, and a large living space.
He initially placed four pairs of mice, which began breeding in a short time
It is a generation known as (the luxuriant rats).
After 315 days, the rats' reproduction began to decline significantly!
And when their number reached 600 mice, a hierarchy was formed among them, and then a class known as “the miserable” appeared.
Larger rodents began attacking the group, leading to "the psychological breakdown of many of the males".
As a result, the females protected themselves and, in turn, became aggressive towards their young over time
Female behavior increased increasingly aggressive with a tendency to isolation and lack of reproductive spirit.
There was a low birth rate and, at the same time, an increase in the mortality rate of the younger rodents.
Then a new class of male rodents appeared
It's called Beautiful Mice.
Which refused to mate with females or (fight) for their space and all they cared about was eating and sleeping.
Thus, it became as if “beautiful males” and “isolated females” constituted the majority of the population.
With the passage of time, the juvenile mortality rate reached 100% and childbearing reached zero.

And the eating of rat meat increased, despite the abundance of food.
Two years after the experiment began, the colony's last mouse was born.
By 1973, the last rat in the 25th universe had been killed.
Calhoun repeated the same experiment 25 more times and each time the result was the same
Calhoun's scholarly work has been used as a model to explain social collapse, and his research serves as a focal point for the study of urban sociology.

Source: websites